Konoha High (Chapter 31)

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It was time for the talent show and Ariana and her group was up first. I quickly ran to Nami, Hinata, and Tenten. "Come we have to get ready we are up next," I said They all nodded. We went to the dressing rooms which was in the back of the stage. We got dressed. 

We got finished dressing and we heard clapping. I peeked out from the curtains. I noticed Ariana and them were finished.
"Next up the fiesties," The announcer said.
(To let everyone know me, tenten, Nami, and Hinata named ourself the fiesties cause we are very strong and well.... fiesty)

We all walked onto the stage. The beat began playing:

(Okay this song is by the cheetah girl ,but pretend it's by us. So I this video Nami plays Chanel, Tenten plays Galoria, Hinata plays Aqua, and I play Dorinda oh and Sasuke and the guys are the guys that come in after.Sasuke is of course leading them Now watch.)
(video at the top)
The crowd was cheering there butts off. And me and the girls were just hugging each other.
We smiled and got off stage. "Okay now this has happened for the first time ever in our school year it's....... A TIE!!," The announcer said.
Everyone was confused. "So what happens now," Nami asked.
"A SING OFF!!!!!!!!," the announcer said. Everyone screamed in excitement. Nami looked at me confused. "Tsuki what are we gonna do we didn't make another song," Nami and tenten and Hinata looked at me confused. I thought and then I remembered. "Hey, Nami, do you remember that song we used to sing when we were little," I said. "Yeah,but not fluently and Tenten and Hinata don't know it," Nami said. "Don't worry just follow my lead," I said. They all nodded. Then we saw Ariana and her group sing just dance by lady gaga.

They finished the song and everyone was cheering. I walked up to the Dj and whispered in his ear. He nodded. He played my requested beat.
(In this we play the same people in the before video)

Everyone was cheering and going crazy. Me, Nami, Tenten, and Hinata smiled.
the audience screamed.

The audience screamed.

"Okay the audience says it all. The winners are................ THE FIESTIES!!!!!!!!,"
Nami, me, Tenten, and Hinata jumped around screaming. The crowd screamed in happiness. I noticed Sasuke and the guys were waiting for us backstage. "We won!," we jumped around happily. Ariana walked over to me. "Hey Tsuki I'm glad you guys won. It was fun and I'm so proud," Ariana said crushing me and Nami in a bear hug. We hugged her back. And we let go. We walked towards the guys. "I knew you guys would win," Sasuke said. "I'm so happy for you guys," Naruto exclaimed. We all hugged and dispersed.
The party was over and we all went to Sasuke place for an after party.

I'm stopping it here what will happen next at the after party who knows. To be continued Konoha high school with dorms Sasuke love story chapter 31 next!

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