Konoha High (Chapter 47)

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  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Two weeks later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sasuke asked me to the dance the day the tickets were being sold. Ariana, Tenten, Hinata, and Neji are apart the dance committee (The people who work on the dance design) I picked out this amazing dress. I was wondering what Sasuke will wear. He told me that he is okay with showing me the picture of him in a speedo.
~~~~~~~~~~~~At court 2 hours before the dance~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Dad I'm here what is going on?" I asked. They are about to announce the conditions of whether Nami is guilty or not. "Dad may I speak," I asked. "what about?" Dad asked. "Info,"I said. My dad walked up to the judge and whispered to him. The judge nodded. I got up and walked to the seat next to the judge.
"Well if I may I would like to say some words that you might want to know. Me and Nami have know each other since we were little. My family has been there for her. When Nami was only six she loved pink, and so did her mom. They used to wear it everyday. But one day her mom dropped her pink ring that her mom gave her. She picked it up and while her mom wasn't looking. Nami's mom got hit by a pink mercedes. Dropping her ring. Nami cried and started wearing less and less pink everyday. Nami kept her mother's pink ring and she asked her father to drive up with her to her grandma's house to tell her the news. Her grandmother also loved pink. Pink was her grandma's favorite color. Nami's grandmother also wore pink everyday. After Nami told her the news she had a heart attack. The worst part about it was that Nami didn't know what to do with it. Nami then decided that she would not wear any other pink besides the pink ring her mother got from her grandmother. She told herself that any other pink was bad. Pink was a color of bright death," I said. I looked at Nami a tear fell from her face. Nami just stood there frozen. I knew it hurt her. She told me never to speak of it. I looked at the judge. I tear left his eye, but he quickly wiped it away. I stepped down from the seat and sat back next to my dad. Yumi glared at me. I didn't care I was sad. So very sad.... Yumi whispered in his father's ear. His father nodded. His father went to the judge and whispered. The judge cleared his throat and said," There has been a settlement. The charges against Nami will be dropped if you sing a song about how much you love Yumi at the school dance," the judge said. "Will Nami still be able to go to the dance?" I asked. "Yes but if you don't sing this boy Yumi the song Nami will be sentenced to a year in jail," the judge said. I nodded and thought. I don't love him though.Wait he said how much I love him, and since I don't love him then I will sing a song about how much I don't love him.  "Court adjourned," the judge said banging his gavel.
I had to get home cause I only have an hour to get ready for the dance. Shit!

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