Konoha High (Chapter 18)

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Me, Nami,Naruto, and Sasuke are at the mall. We are looking around. Nami is still depressed that I won't talk to her. I'm not even mad. I'm not mad cause I'm not going out with an ugly person or a stranger. I mean it's Sasuke, but if anyone found out then there will be avlot of fights and a lot of detentions. If he asks me I won't mind but whatever. "Tsuki how long are you gonna be mad at Nami," Naruto said worriedly looking at Nami. I shrugged. "I'm not mad at her anymore," I said, Nami cheered. "But.. I'm still not talking to her," I said. Nami did an anime fall and started anime crying. I ignored it and began walking on. "Why are you still not talking to me?," Nami weeped. I motion for Sasuke to come here. He walked over. I whispered in his ear. Then Sasuke said this, "Tsuki said the reason she is not talking to you is that what you did was stupid and you have to learn your lesson. So by that she is not talking to you." "Wait he is your interpreter and how was it stupid it was just a bet I understand I should have asked you first, but how is it stupid," Nami said. I whispered into Sasuke's ear again. Then Sasuke said, "I'm not saying that" I huffed and simplified it for him. Then he said, "Well apparently Tsuki says that you are technically selling yourself in a bet and it is prostitution or whatever," Sasuke said not caring. I sighed. "You make it sound dumb when you say it," I said, bluntly. Sasuke shrugged and began looking around. I sighed and he looked at me and smirked. I smiled as he turned away. Nami and Naruto looked at me confused. "Waaiiittt.... what's going on between you,"Nami asked. I whispered into Sasuke's ear for him to interpret what I was saying ,but instead he said ," She think my smirk- "I didn't say that!," I interrupted him by pushing him. I was blushing madly. "You didn't say that, I must have miss heard then,"he said smirking at me while shrugging. I glared at him as he smirked. "I'm confused?," Naruto said scratching his head. "Don't worry about it nothing happened," I said. Naruto shrugged but Nami gave me a serious face. I quickly texted Sasuke telling him this:

I promise if you tell them it's the end of your life

Sasuke looked at me when he got the texted he smirked and
texted back

Now why would I do that?

I texted him back
I'm warning you Sasuke

He texted back saying
Fine... Whatever

I glared at him and he smirked. Nami and Naruto looked confused as ever. We walked on. Then Naruto and Nami asked in unison "Do you two go out?." Me and Sasuke looked at each other then said in unison. "No." I said it bluntly though. Naruto shrugged ,but I could tell Nami was still on the case. I ignored it though. I got a text.

It was from Sasuke it said

You made it sound like going out with me is horrible

I texted back saying

It would

I got an immediate text back saying

How? :(

Then I texted back

It nothing against you it's just if
I went out with you then all your fangirls
will wanna fight me and I would be the one
getting detention for kicking there ass

He chuckled at the text and texted back

I doubt it I think most of my fangirls are scared of you
,so I doubt they would want to fight you.

I texted back

True but they would they to find a way to get me in trouble

he texted back saying


I put my phone away and noticed Nami was trying looking over
Sasuke's shoulder. "Nami your nosy," I said, bluntly. Nami looked at me and began cheering. I looked at her confused. "SHE FINALLY TALKED TO ME!,"Nami yelled. I facepalmed myself. "Dammit," I said to myself. Nami hugged me so tight that I thought it was going to break my bones. I sighed and said ,"You're breaking my bones." She quickly let go and had a big grin on her face. "Yeah.. um.... sorry about what I did," she said smiling. I couldn't help but smile at her. She grinned bigger at my smile. "Um... Tsuki... does that mean your coming then....." Naruto asked. I began to think for a second should I or should I not. Then I remembered if people find out Sakura would get mad and I love getting Sakura mad. "Sure why not," I said smiling. I could tell that Sasuke was shocked ,but a smirk appeared on his face. I got another text from Sasuke. It said:

What made you change your mind?

I texted back saying


he texted back with a symbol


I texted back explaining

You see Sakura hates me and doesn't like me near you
and when I'm near you she gets mad and I LOVE getting her mad

*evil grin*

Sasuke texted back

your evil you know

I texted back saying

Thanks I know

I looked back at Sasuke and he rolled his eyes at me.
"Don't worry Sasuke no one will find out, but if they do you might wanna hide from my fanboys," I said smirking.

"Ditto," he said.

"SASUKE YOU HAVE FANBOYS!," Naruto yelled.
I burst out laughing. Sasuke glared at Naruto bonking him on the head. "NO BAKA! I have fangirls!," he said. As soon as he said that most of the girls in the mall came running at him. Sasuke was now crowded around girls. Fangirls that is. I sighed and began bugging my way through the crowds. I got a lot of glares from girls. Nami was behind me and Sasuke was up there with Naruto. "Nami are you still there,"I asked. Nami yelled yes above all the yelling and screaming of the fangirls. Me and her saw that Sasuke was being annoyed by fangirls. Some trying to steal kisses and other trying to flirt and others just going crazy by screaming. Me and Nami walked up to him guarding him. I got a lot of glares and Nami got a lot of glares too cause she was protecting Naruto who also had some fangirls. But..... not as much as Sasuke. I looked at Nami and she nodded. "SHUT UP!!!!!," Nami and I both yelled. The screaming stopped. Now they were all glaring at Nami and I. "Could you all go away you are giving us a headache," I said bluntly. "How bout you go away and leave that cute hunk behind you to come with us," one of the girls said. I then got an idea. "How about an auction," I said Nami looked at me confused. Sasuke glared at me and Naruto looked scared. I gave them all an evil smirk. Nami got the idea quick. "Do I hear $100?,"I said. That's when the biding began.

"I got $500"
"I got $595"
"$10,075 going once twice and sold," I said. Sasuke was shocked. I smirked at him. The girl came up with the money glaring at me and shoving me out the way while giving me the money. She jumped on Sasuke. Sasuke didn't catch her though causing her to drop on the floor I was trying to hold in my laughter, but she noticed glaring at me. I gave Nami the money and she ran knowing my plan. She grabbed Naruto and ran to the car. I pushed.....well more like pride the girl off him. "What?!," The girl exclaimed. "I'm sorry, but we have to go. I motioned behind my back telling Sasuke to walk away. He slowly backed up but was stopped by the girls surrounding us. "I payed money for him and I will have him," she exclaimed. I smirked. I looked around and saw the girls were planning on jumping us. I walked over to Sasuke and told him that. I stood in front of him and got into a fighting stance. "Then why don't you fight me for him," I said.

Sasuke was surprised then smirked knowing I could kick their ass. They all charged for me.
I kicked one in the face five in the stomach. Two in the chest and the rest of them retreated. I looked at Sasuke he was sitting down at a coffee shop. I sweat dropped. Was he over there this whole time I was fighting. I walked over there and saw Sasuke drinking a latte. "Sasuke didn't I tell you those things are bad for you,"I said. He looked at me and smirked. "What are you my mom," he said. I glared at him playfully. He chuckled. "You owe me," I said. He shook his head. "What!?! I just fought off a whole bunch of fangirls," I said. "That's true but I did way more for you today," he said. "Well first I was part of your auction, I kept your secret on how you thought my smirk was sexy, and I bought you a chocolate smoothie," he said handing me a smoothie. "So actually you owe me," he said. I sighed I should have never brought it up. "What do you want me to do," I said. He smirked. "I want you to sing that song you wrote about me," he said. I sighed. "Fine...," I said sighing. He smirked at me. Then I noticed I was being pulled off somewhere. "Sasuke where are we going," I said. "I remembered you left Naruto and Nami with the money,"he said. My eyes widened. "Crap!...," I exclaimed. I began running on my own. We were both sprinting now and noticed Sasuke's car was gone and so was Naruto an Nami. I quickly called Nami.

"Hello," Nami answered.
"Where are you two! And where is Sasuke's car!," I exclaimed.
"We got bored and are going to Sasuke's house," she said.
"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!," I exclaimed. The phone was snatched out of my hand. "Naruto better not be driving my car!," Sasuke yelled in my phone. "....ooops," Nami said. "NAMI! YOU AND NARUTO ARE DEAD!," He yelled. I flinched at his anger. I snatched my phone back. "Nami you and Naruto are both DEAD to me," I said hanging up the phone. I noticed Sasuke was starting to walk to his house. I walked up to him and we started walking. "Sasuke how long have you known Naruto," I said. He looked at me and said, "Since I was five what about you and Nami," he asked. "Since
Pre-K," I said. He smirked and said, "She talks about you guys a lot when playing football." I smiled. "Yeah I know when we were little me and Nami had each others back. And I still don't know how I put up with her. I just can never stay mad at her," I said. I saw Sasuke look up at the stars. "Yeah ever since Naruto's parents died my family and I took him in and we cared for him until he could live on his own, but once again he burnt down his house in another party," he explained. "I still don't know how I put up with that idiot," he said looking at the smile on my face. Now I realized he isn't just a flirt. He has feelings ,and is caring ,but he never shows it why? Maybe he is just held back by something like me. I think I actually like him. Sasuke what makes you so different. I was nugded to the side. It snapped me out of my thought. I looked at Sasuke to see he has a smirked on his face. "We're here," he said pointing. I looked at what he was pointing at and it was my house. "What I thought we were going to your house to get your car," I said. "Yeah ,but your house is closer and I remembered you still have to sing me that song," he said. I sighed in the thought of him hearing that song. He smirked pulling me to my house. I opened the door. "Mom and Dad I'm home and I have company," I said. My dad came down the steps. "Hello darling this must be one of your friends from school right?," he said. I nodded. "Yeah we'll be up in my room okay," I said bluntly. "Wait you two in the room alone," he said. "No way not gonna happen!," he exclaimed. "Mom! Dad is having perverted thoughts again!," I shouted. My mom came sprinting down the steps in heels. Just to slap my father. "I was not having perverted thoughts!," my dad yelled. "Yeah you were. You thought me and Sasuke were going to do something nasty in my room while we were alone," I said bluntly. Dad glared at me for knowing him so well. "Go ahead sweatheart you and your friend can go upstairs I will deal with your father," Mom said. I noticed Sasuke left me to go to my room while I was arguing with my parents. I walked up to my room. Sasuke was lying in my bed reading my song book. "Why are you so nosy!?," I exclaimed. He looked up from the book and smirked at me. "Hey Tsuki what happened to that song you wrote about me it's not here anymore," Sasuke asked. " I knew you would try snooping through my song book again so this time I hid it," I explained. I went into my closet took out a paper from my jeans pocket. I came out with my guitar, the song and a change of clothes in my hands. I went to the bathroom and changed into a blue tank top and a striped black and booty shorts. I walked out with my guitar in hand:

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