Konoha High (Chapter 44)

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  "No Sasuke don't kill him!," I exclaimed. If you're wondering Sasuke went to go murder Itachi for whatever reason. And I am about to find out now. Me and Ariana pulled both of the Uchiha brothers off each other. I pulled Sasuke to the next room. "Why are you and Itachi fighting?," I asked with my arms crossed. "The picture on your phone. I never modeled that picture," he said. "Then why are you like that on the picture and why does your dad have it?," I asked confused. "Well it's a long story," he said. "Hold on," I said. I left him in the kitchen then walked into the ballroom that Itachi and Sasuke were fighting in. I noticed Ariana was talking to Itachi. I walked up to him. "Ariana can I talk with Itachi real quick?," I asked. She nodded. I looked at itachi. I grabbed him by the ear. "Come on Baka, you and your brother have explaining to do," I said dragging him by the ear to the kitchen. "OWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWWWWW!!!," Itachi mumbled as I dragged him . I entered the kitchen. The two brother glared at each other. I sighed because the tension between the two was scary. "Anyway continue Sasuke," I said. "Well here's what happened. We were at one of Naruto's parties. We were playing truth or dare, and I was dared to be drawn in a weird pose. Itachi was the only one sober enough to draw me, but his ass wasn't sober enough to draw me in clothes. So that's what happened, and we agreed to not show anyone this picture because if we did my life would be over and people would think Itachi was gay for drawing it," Sasuke explained. I looked at Itachi. "Well here is the thing I didn't show dad. He was going through my phone, and found the picture of you so that's how he found it, and he said if I didn't send it to him then I wouldn't get a car," Itachi explained. "Why did you even have it on your phone! Are you into me or something!?" Sasuke exclaimed. "No of course not. I just wanted to torture you with it later," Itachi said smugly. Sasuke glared and Itachi glared back. "Wait I have a question?," I asked. It made both of the brothers look at me. "If that wasn't the picture of you modeling a speedo then what was?," I asked cocking my head to the side. ( Because if you didn't notice Sasuke said this was drawn by Itachi which meant he didn't model it, and which also meant he modeled a different speedo picture).
Sasuke face turned a deep red. "JUST DROP IT!!!," he exclaimed stomping out the kitchen grumbling words. I smirked. "He really must not like that picture," I said. Itachi walked up to me, and whispered " I know what picture you're talking about with the speedo." I looked at him and smirked. "Really can you show me?," I asked. Itachi shook his head. "Nope you have to ask Sasuke on this because I don't want him anymore mad at me," Itachi said smirking. I pouted. "You're no fun," I said. Itachi laughed and left the kitchen. I left the kitchen to see no one there. I walked up to my room to see everyone except Sasuke was sleeping. Good now I can ask about that picture. Sasuke was taking his shirt off at the time so he didn't see me. I used this time to jump on him. We fell on the bed; me on top of him. "Tsuki what are you doing?," Sasuke asked. I smirked "Oh nothing just hanging out. You?," I asked smirking. He rolled his eyes. "If you're trying to make me tell you it's not gonna work," he said. "Fine. I didn't want it to come to this," I said. He raised an eyebrow at me, "Come to what?," he asked. I got off of him. "I ban you from my body," I said with my hands on my hips. "What is that suppose to mean?," he asked his eyebrow still raised. "It mean you are not allowed to kiss me, wrap your arms around me, or anything like that until you tell me," I said. "What?," he said crossing his arms. "You heard me. Now goodnight," I said walking to my bed. I laid down in it. Sasuke sighed and laid down on it too. He turned his back towards me. "Goodnight," he muttered. I fell asleep. 

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