Konoha High (Chapter 1)

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I woke up to the sound of my beeping alarm clock.
Damn alarm clock
I got up from bed and made my way to my bathroom. I did my normal ruteen:
Brush teeth,
Brush hair,
and got dressed in school uniform.

I walked out the bathroom noticing the time 8:45
I quickly ran downstairs only to be greeted by my parents. "Morning sweet heart,"My dad said. "Oh good morning deary,"mom said.
"Morning mom morning dad," I said. "Have a nice day at school," they both say. "thanks I will," I yelled running out the door while grabbing my bag.
I ran to my purple lamborghini and hopped in. I put the keys in the ingnition and drove off to school. I parked in the very back of the school so no one will get the idea I'm rich.
I got out the car bag in hand and began walking towards the entrance. I heard yelling from behind me ,so I turned. I saw a car headed straight for me. I closed my eye and waited for the impact. I heard screeches so I opened my eyes and saw the car besides me. "NARUTO YOU COULD HAVE KILLED ME! Let alone this girl right here,"A brown haired boy said pointing at me. I sighed in relief to my not death. "Hi I'm Naruto and sorry about that,"the blonde boy said. I was about to say something when a black haired boy came behind Naruto and bonked him on the head. "Oooww,"Naruto muttered in pain. "Naruto remind me never to let you drive my car again, and if I do don't let me ride with you,"Black haired boy said. "Sasuke your so mean,"said Naruto. The brown haired boy walked up to me and said," Hey beautiful do you wanna ditch these clowns and go somewhere." I sighed. Another pervert I thought. "I'm sorry ,but I promised myself I would never talk to perves,"I said bluntly. I could tell he started getting angry ,so I walked away. "Hey!! Don't you walk away from me!!,"Brown haired yelled. But I kept walking.
(Ps: I didn't tell you this but I'm gonna be having a best friend in this story and she look like this sooo yeah She hates pink. she is a complete tomboy even if she don't look like it and she loves and I mean loves sports and she is a football player and boxing champion at our school but she still isn't stronger than me)

Anyway I began looking for people I knew or remembered ,but that was an epic fail. "Tsuki!," yelled a voice across the hall. I turned towards the voice and saw my bestiest friend since pre-K, Nami. She was running towards me I realize she was going to jump on me so I moved to the side causing her to fall on the ground. "Oww,"she muttered. I laughed at this. She then sent me a death glare which made me laugh harder. She got up from off the floor and started to ask a whole bunch of questions. "How was your summer? what did you do? How long has it been? What class do you have?,"Nami went on and on until I finally said,"Shut UP!." She blinked and sighed,"still short tempered as always am I right Tsuki-chan,"Nami smirked. I sighed and walked on. Then an announcement came from the speakers. "Please may all the students proceed to the gym at this moment for schedule information." I didn't know where the gym was so me and nami followed everyone else. Eventually we mad it towards the gym. The gym was pretty big for a school. Then a lady came up on the stage. "Now everyone please take a seat. I am your princible Lady Tsunade. This year in highschool is gonna be a little different because this year we are having DORMS!!,"The lady on stage announced. And immediatly everyone went into a gasp and starting talking about who they wanna be with. "Quiet down everyone now you don't get to pick who you get to drom with," she announced. Everyone awwwed. "Now after this announcement you are free to go to your lockers. There will be your key to your dorm and also your schedule, after you get your schedule go to you dorm because there should be a box with your name on it. That will be some of your stuff from home. Now you are dismissed," Princible Tsunade said.
I remember that in the form they sent to my house my locker number was #48. I went towards my locker and opened it and suprisingly I noticed Nami's locker was right next to mine. Anyway I looked in my locker and saw a piece of paper with a key attached. The paper said
Dear resident of this locker
you will have this schedule
Mr.Yamoto for science
Mr.Hatake for math
Mrs.Kurenai for art
Couch guy for Physical Education or P.E. for short
and Mr.Asuma for Social studies
Next you will be dorming in room #346
I sighed because I was hoping they would be telling me who I would be dorming with. I saw Nami looking at me. "Tsuki-chan what classes do you have and what dorm do you have too?," She asked.
I gave her my schedule and she screamed. Luckily no one was watching use. "why are you screaming,"I yelled. She blinked and yelled,"WE HAVE THE SAME ClASSES!. AND LIVE IN THE SAME DOOR!" My face lit up and me and her started jumping around screaming. We got some dirty looks from people and some others ignored us. We started to walk towards our dorms. We opened it to the person I really didn't want to see.

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