Chapter 23

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Feather After // Chapter 23 // Good Actor

Aria's POV

On the request of our parents Zachariah and I had to leave the room to get some privacy and talk about anything we wanted to, with each other. After all we had to spend our life together. I swear on god, I have never heard something so absurd in my life before, never.

We were currently sitting on the porch of our house because I didn't want to be anywhere inside my house. For the first time, I had taken time to notice what Zachariah was wearing. He was wearing a navy blue colored suit and trousers with a black waistcoat and black well-polished leather shoes. I could literally see the refection of my face on his shoes.

I knew he was looking at me while I was trying to keep myself busy by looking at the road in front of us, none of us daring to say anything about anything. I wanted to talk but I couldn't. Maybe I wanted him to start the conversation. Maybe we would spend our whole life being silent, together. But sometimes I felt it was my fault. I shouldn't have been this silent. I should have cursed and cut some veins to make the scene more tragic.

"So you were this suit every day or it's just for today?" I asked him and looked at him. I could see the shocked expression on his face but he quickly masked it but the serious don't mess with me look. There was a bruise on the side of his lip, it was small and fading. I wanted to ask him about that but I didn't want to push the boundaries.

"If I rephrase your question, you mean that is you are wearing the clothes you're wearing to impress me? The answer to that is no," he looked at me and then continued, "I work with dad. I take care of the Seattle branch so yeah, pretty much every day," he told me as if it was no big deal. He spoke money. His aura radiated money.

"Point taken into consideration, but that's insane! Five minutes ago I thought I was the unlucky one, but I did not think that anymore. That's so weird. I mean no offense but-" I wanted to say so much but then I stopped. I was being too bitchy. As in maybe, it wasn't his fault. He was just 18. I turned to look at him and I saw him already looking at me.

"Why did you stop, please continue," He said, I tried to read his expression but I found no trace of him being angry or offended. He looked as if it didn't matter what I thought of him. Or maybe it was because he had heard people bickering so much that he didn't care anymore.

"Nothing, the last thing I want to do is judge you," I told him and raised my hands up in surrender. He looked at me and smiled.

Wow, Zachariah had a very cute smile even with that lip cut on the side of his lips.

I smiled back at him, "so where did you get this bruise on your elbow and a cut on your lip?" He asked me. He was noticing too many things about me and I didn't like it. Maybe you should just stay away, I wanted to scream and get inside my house leaving him hanging there but I didn't.

"Oh, these?" I said and touched my lip, "just a street fight, nothing major." I looked at him and shrugged my shoulder as if it wasn't that a big deal. I tried my best to hide my smile. I wasn't like one of the best liars in the world.

"You fight on the street, really? Do your parents know? I didn't expect that! Wow!" He said. For the first time, I saw his eyes twinkle and he looked alive. He looked happy as if it was the best thing he had ever heard.

"I'm sorry, I was just joking. I never thought you would take this so seriously," I patted his knee.

"You can be a good actor, I don't know about anything else. But you want to become a fashion designer. I love geography. I never thought you would like it. I want to travel the world you know? I'm sorry. I'm blabbering," he turned pink. He looked embarrassed of himself and he didn't know how to act.

"Thanks, I guess, that's alright don't worry," I smiled at him. He wasn't that bad, hopefully. He could be a good friend, I did not know about a lover. By the time we wanted to say anything else I heard the door open and I saw our parents walk out of the door. They looked at us and smiled. We were already standing. Zachariah's mom came towards me and hugged me.

It felt like a motherly hug full of love and support. She held my hand and put a small piece of paper on my hand. Her eyes met mine, and I somehow knew she wanted me to stay quiet.

His father shook hands with me and then proceeded to do that with my father and mother. My mother and his mom hugged each other while gushing to go shopping together and they planned on meeting again. When they started walking towards the lane Zachariah looked at me and smiled, and I smiled back.

He was a nice guy, for a guy who had money he wasn't bad. He was kind of like me. He had money but he didn't want anyone to know he did. With the paper tightly gripped in my hand, I walked inside the house, leaving my parents outside. I wasn't still ready to talk to them. I knew they were sorry, but I somewhere deep down in my heart I knew that it wasn't there fault as well. They always had money and suddenly the idea of not having any money made them overreact and by doing that they landed all of us in a complicated situation like this.

I climbed up the stairs and got into my room, to my surprise everything was clean and there were no traces of blood. Maybe Nanna had cleaned it when I was downstairs with Zachariah. I looked at the paper and opened it.


And a ten-digit number was written below his name.

Did his mom just give me his number? What a sneaky mom, she was. Passing her son's number to me like that. I didn't expect this.

Suddenly my eyes got to my phone and I rushed to check it. There were two messages on my phone. One was from Gemma and the other one was from school.

I looked at it and opened it.

Dear students,

English extra class will be held by Mrs. Jones from tomorrow morning from 9 Am to 10 Am. Attendance is compulsory and buses will not apply.

Thank you,

The principal

MapleHigh School.

So, I now had to tolerate both Ignatius and misty. I looked up and wondered what I had done to deserve all this.

MTTBB Got ranked #77 in romance two days ago, Thankyou everyone for this. 

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