Chapter 16

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feather After // Chapter 16 // Worth It

Aria's POV

I walked towards the library thinking about what had happened yesterday, it was a very weird day. The good things and the bad one had neutralized each other. I couldn't still comprehend what Nanna meant when she said that she would protect me with her life. I didn't want anyone to do that for me.

I had been fighting all alone for seventeen years and I had been doing just fine. I know I wasn't that great but I wasn't that bad either.

I walked towards the library to take my poem. I knew it was complete. Although I wanted to know who did it. Whether it was a poet or a poetess but then this mystery was a nice one and I didn't want to snatch it away. I couldn't do it to myself. I was happy with that person being anonymous.

I just hoped I was just as anonymous to that anonymous person as that anonymous person was to me. I couldn't keep calling that anonymous person anonymous. It is too tricky. I never realized that I had reached the library.

My mind kept me busy but my heart leads the way.

I opened the book and looked for that piece of paper. I just hoped it was there. It wouldn't get lost would it? I could feel my heart accelerate but I didn't know why. I suddenly felt something was going to happen and that something did not give me such a great feeling.

I opened that book and found it there. It would still tuck on the same page of the very same book. I opened it and read it.

When everyone thinks it's your fault,

And you think it's everyone's fault.

When you have no one to protect your Walt.

And can't even handle your lot.

When life gives you a shock of a thousand watts.

That's what I had written and then I continued reading it.

The anonymous writer completed the poem. The handwriting was the same, it was sharp and was written in slanting.

You don't have to be so choosy, Miss. Luzi.

Offer everyone a chocolate smoothie,

Pick up your ass,

And challenge the mass.

Prove you're worth it,

Not to them, but to yourself.

I smiled and kept that paperback in my pocket and left. I had to hurry up. I had an English class in less than two minutes and I didn't want to be late. I rushed and when I reached the familiar hallway, I relaxed. I started walking down the hallway slowly, for our English class, as Mrs. Robinson was absent we had our school psychologist taking the class, instead.

Our school principal had found some students of the English class, smoking in the school premises and then she had suddenly realized what a waste of time it was for the students.

So, she wanted to put some social knowledge in our little brains. She felt like asking the school hired psychologist to take the class would help us but she had no idea that half of the students wouldn't even listen to what she would be saying.

According to a result, the Intelligence quotient of a human being could never be changed to a drastic level. It could only be changed to some points only if the individual wanted to.

Students in our school lacked grey matter. They had grey matter syndrome and it couldn't be changed. Sorry, to burst your bubble, Miss. Principal.

I entered the class and sat at my regular seat right next to the window on the very second the last seat. Soon, everybody started pouring in and started sitting here and there. I saw Misty walk in and as soon as her eyes landed on me she smiled, her big toothy smile which had so many guys in our school wiped off. She was beautiful.

I smiled back and waved at her. She looked beside me and frowned. Oliver was already sitting there. She walked to us and looked at him.

"Could you please move a seat back?" She said and gave him one of those great smiles. How could have he possibly resisted any of it? He slightly nodded, collected his things which consisted of his pens, his notebook and a copy of princess diaries and sat in the seat in front of me.

"So how have you been Miss. Rhett?" She asked me and smiled at me.

Why the hell is everyone smirking at me?

"Why don't you tell me, Miss. Misty?" I said and raised my eyebrows at her.

She looked at me and said, "you are such a mood spoiler fucker! You don't even know my surname?!"

"But I will know if you tell me, so why don't you tell me?" I said and tried to erase the awkwardness as well as tried to make it look more delightful.

"Well, if you really insist, my full name is Michelle Andre. I don't have a middle name. I don't know why but I don't," she told me, I could almost see the sadness and the desperation of talking it out of her system in her eyes but I let it go.

"Forgive my lack of knowledge Miss. Andre. But I offer you my middle name as a gift," I said and winked at her.

"You flatter me with your-I don't know what to say. I'm not an expert as you are but you know how to flirt girl! If I were a boy I would have made you mine with a heartbeat," she said and I blushed. Nobody has ever complimented me like that and it felt nice for a change.

Am I the only one who takes a girl's compliment seriously and gives no attention to what a guy says?

I'm wired. Before I could reply someone entered the class. It was none other than everybody's very favorite Miss. Psychologist. I huffed. I never wanted to be there but I did not have any choice. Why this torture had to happen to me?

"Hi class, I'm going to take today's class," she declared and smiled at everyone.

Wasn't that very clear, already?

"We will do something very interesting today. As I don't know anyone of you, why don't you come one by one and introduce yourself? That would be great! So let the whole class talk about themselves and then I will talk about myself? To make it simpler you could talk about five things that no one knows about you!"

"Can't we please just go home?" Someone said, I knew who that voice belonged to but I didn't really know the name. I was not good with names.

"No! If you have a problem I will start myself. Just for an example and then everyone else can join in!" She raised her hands up in the air and gave a big smile.

"So, I'm an alumni of this school. Second, I love this game. Third, I love the color blue. Fourth, I like meeting new people and fifth, last but not the least I have had a trip all around the world."

Nobody said anything. Everyone just stared at her. Was it really happening? Suddenly the class was so quiet that she was surprised as well. And then, the door opened which she had closed and Ignatius entered the class.

"I apologize for being late," He said and sat on the seat behind me.

Wasn't there any other seat empty?

"So why don't you choose the person who goes next?" She told Ignatius.

Was this seriously happening? Why him? There were so many better people in the class.

"Why not start with the person sitting in front of me?" He said and my heart skipped a beat. 

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