15|| Can I get an applause?

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Mollys POV

"So it's a big deal to you?" I ask Nate, looking over at him questioningly. "Well, yeah I guess it's always been in the back of my mind" he shrugged in response.

"You shouldn't really be making a huge decision just because it's in the back of your mind" I said lightly, smiling a bit while rolling my eyes.

"I know but I do care about it, I know it's what I want to do." He said enthusiastically.

Nate and me had been sat in silence for a few minutes, before he told me he wanted to be a drummer in a famous band.

I had told him I figured as much but, still asked why since I figured he wanted to talk about it. Right?

He had told be performing made you feel amazing and gave you a rush simply unexplainable.

I knew what he was saying was true. I had the same dream.

I wanted to tell him.

I wanted to tell everyone, the whole world what I wanted to do with my life, get myself out there.

But, even now Nate had told me he had the same dream, goal in life.

I still felt as if I was childish.

A child that needs to grow up.

I was always melons of the girlfriends that I had back in England.

They all knew what they wanted to do with their lives and all of them, were completely rational.

"I want to be a policewoman"

"I want to be a lawyer"

"I want to be a horse rider"

"I want to be a doctor"

In school, they would give us job finding websites and it would match you to what job you suited most.

There were 3 star 2 star and 1star jobs, the rating showed how much it suited your likes and dislikes.

All my friends had plenty three star options to choose from.


I didn't have one job suggestion, they were all just question marks.

I had tired on several websites and I got no where.

I still, spend most of my time today, worrying about what I will be when I am older.

Because I just don't know.

"It's pretty up here" I comment to Nate, looking at the flowers beneath my feet. Stroking the petals delicately.

As if they might break.

"I like how peaceful it is" he replied.

You couldn't hear traffic from here, no planes were near either.

It was complete serenity.

"I'm happy you asked to sit with us, he first day you came. You know that right?" I said to him, deciding to be bold and tell him that.

Blue Eyes // Nate ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now