Simon Said- Obi Wanned me

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A/N: I know that I skipped the episode Children shouldn't play with dead things, but I simply couldn't think of a way to fit Kat in. I mean, it probably would have been easy but I just didn't want to do that episode. I was looking forward to this one too much!!

I also realized that Dean flirts with so many girls which suck because obviously with Kat, that has to lessen eventually. So if you read a part that you remember him doing something or saying something but I haven't wrote it, it's because he's a changed man for Kat. For example, him and Jo get cozy a lot but she's like Kat's sister so it would be wrong for them to flirt. Harmless flirting is different though.


Katherine's P.O.V

Dean and I sat in the Impala outside the old station waiting for Sam as he used the bathroom. Since everything happened with Gordon, there's been the slightest tension between us. It wasn't obvious and we still acted the same but I knew it was there. I know I heard him say 'My Girl' when he hit Gordon. What I didn't know is what that meant. Maybe, just maybe, I was wrong and when he told me he loved me at the hospital, it was real. I knew my own insecurities and self doubt was clouding my judgment this entire time, I was still just terrified to confront him about it.

The last week had been hard enough on the boys as it was. I didn't want to add any more pressure on Dean by trying to confess my feelings. With visiting Mary's grave against his will and finally admitting to his brother that he wasn't okay after John's death, Dean probably was on edge. The case really took a toll on all of us I think.

"I should go get him; he's been in there a while."Dean finally spoke, glancing back at me as he swung his car door open. I nodded and sat back, watching his retreating figure as it crossed the small parking lot towards the dirty bathrooms.

Moments later, they both came back out. My eyebrows furrowed in concern when I saw Sam breathing heavily and water splashed on his face. His hand was in a cast since he broke his wrist on the last hunt (it wasn't me this time)Dean was glancing at him in confusion and concern which made me worry ten times more. As soon as their bodies slid into the Impala, Dean drove off. I budged forwards, my fingers working into Sam's hair in comfort.

"Sammy, what's wrong?"I asked as he lent back and hummed, his face still flinching from pain.

"It happened again."Sam groaned. My eyes flickered to Dean and I saw his hands tighten on the steering wheel.

"What happened?"I questioned, my tone low as if not to startle him at all. I lent forward, my head resting beside his as my fingers continued to weave through his thick brown locks.

"I had another vision."He explained, his voice sounding sad. I could only imagine what he saw. I didn't ask him what it was about and neither did Dean, both of us wanting him to calm down before we made him spill his guts. The atmosphere was heavy in the small car as the three of us thought to ourselves. I couldn't help but wonder why Sam was having these sorts of premonitions and I got nothing.

I wasn't naive enough not to realize that it had something to do with the demon, he practically said so himself. He told Sam he had plans for him and all the children like him which I'm guessing are people like him and Max; people with abilities. So if that was the case, why wasn't I showing signs like that. I know he said I was different which made me all the more sick but surely something should have happened by now. The only thing that's happened that's come close to that is back with the vampire but I can't definitely say that was me. I have no idea what happened that day.

I was jostled slightly out my thoughts when Dean reached forward and switched the radio on. A song blasted through, not that I was paying much attention until Sam finally opened his mouth."We've got to go the Roadhouse."

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