Pilot-Whose side are you on

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  Katherine P.O.V

We wasted no time In getting to the bridge. It was better to go in the dark as we didn't know if the cops would be back the next morning. Also we had limited time, we had to get Sam back by Monday and the sooner we found John the better we would all feel. I took one side of the bridge while the boys took the other, searching for anything we could use. I stayed away from the edge though, I may be slightly afraid of heights.

"So this is where Constance took the swan dive."Dean noted with a whistle from the other side. He shook his head slightly before facing Sam, and I walked over to join them.

Sam looked over at Dean. "So you think Dad would have been here?"

Dean took a moment before answering."Well, he was chasing the same story. And we're chasing him."He turned, beginning to walk down the rest of the bridge. Sam was right on his heels and me behind him.

"Okay, so what now?"

Dean shrugged, not even bothering to look behind him."Now we keep digging until we find him. It might take a while." Dean's response made Sam stop in his tracks. I stopped next to him, knowing exactly where this was going to go so I took a deep breath. I placed a reassuring hand on Sam's shoulder before saying,

"Dean, Sam's got to be back by Monday. He's got that-"

Dean halted and spun to face us."Monday. Right. The interview."I nodded and Sam gave me a small smile for sticking up for him."Yeah, I forgot. You're really serious about this, aren't you Sammy? You think you're just going to become some lawyer? Marry your girl?" Sam's smile vanished and he stiffened.

"Maybe. Why not?"

"Does Jessica know the truth about you? I mean, does she know about the things you've done?"

Sam took a step closer to him and I automatically placed myself to the side but between them. That way I could stop things if it got to heated."No,"He said."And she's not ever going to know."

"Well, that's healthy."Dean replied sarcastically."You can pretend all you want, Sammy. But sooner or later you're going to have to face up to who you really are."

"And who's that?"Sam asked, his jaw stiff, clearly knowing the answer.

"You're one of us."Dean said pointing between himself and me. I gasped. I did not want to be apart of this argument but he went and dragged me in.

"He stopped being like us a while ago Dean,"I whispered. I saw both sides to this argument and I wish they did too." It's taken a lot to get where he is and I'm proud of him, you should be too. I know that he left and for you that meant you were alone, but your not any more Dean. You have me. He got out and he didn't have to come back but he did because you asked him. We care about you and you know I'll always be there. Sam too just in a different way." Dean and Sam looked at me shocked for a second before Dean turned angry.

"Don't you dare Kat. He left me. You too. We got stuck hunting and he got to have the nice apple pie life. Sam you have a responsibility-"

"To what? Dad? And his crusade? If it weren't for pictures I wouldn't even know what Mom looks like. And what difference would it make? Even if we do find the thing that killed her, Mom's gone. And she isn't coming back." My eyes snapped to his in shock. I may not of known Mary but I've heard stories from Uncle John and Dean. She sounded like an amazing women and mom, I knew how important this was to them. Revenge. Dean lunged at Sam before I could even blink.

"DEAN STOP!" I yelled. He ignored me and grabbed Sam by the collar, shoving him up against the railing of the bridge. I could see the fury in his face.

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