Dead Man's blood-Slight Tension

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Katherine P.O.V

Sunlight shone through cafe's window as we sat at the table with Sam and me on one side, Dean on the other. They were both searching for a case, Sam on his laptop while Dean read the newspaper. I was lent back in my chair drinking my coffee, flung my jacket over the back of my chair and one leg resting over the other, ankle on knee.

Dean and I had gone back to almost normal after our almost kiss. I mean, sure we couldn't be left alone in the same room and one of us would always make an excuse to leave. It was a big elephant in the room, always hanging over the two of us but neither of us would speak about it. Sam picked up on the tension but couldn't get a straight answer out of either of us, always getting some random answer.

Dean sighed deeply, folding the paper in half and leaning across the table, breaking me out of my thoughts."Well dude. Not a decent lead in all of Nebraska. What've you got?"

"Well, I've been scanning Wyoming, Colorado, South Dakota. Here. A woman in Iowa fell 10,000 feet from an airplane and survived."Sam explained, reading off an article.

"Sounds more like 'That's Incredible' than, uh, 'Twilight Zone'."I shrugged, throwing my arm across the back of his chair.

"Yeah."Sam breathed out in agreement.

"Hey you know we could just keep heading east?"Dean smirked making me giggle and look to Sam, raising an eyebrow."New York. Upstate. We could drop by and see Sarah again. Huh?Cool chick man, smokin'."-he whistled-" You two seemed pretty friendly. What do you say? "

Sam chuckled, rubbing his ear."Yeah, I dunno, maybe someday. But in the meantime we got a lot of work to do Dean, and you know that. "

"Yeah alright. What else you got?"Dean asked, sighing slightly in defeat.

"Ahh, man in Colorado, local man named Daniel Elkins, was found mauled in his home."Sam said making me pause, the cup halfway to my mouth.

"Elkins? I know that name."I whispered, searching my memory. I glanced at Dean to see his eyebrows furrowed in thought also.

"Doesn't ring a bell."Sam shrugged. I whispered the name under my breath, trying to jog my memory."Sounds like the police don't know what to think. At first they said it was some sort of bear attack and now, they've found some signs of robbery."Sam explained. I noticed Dean put his hand into his jacket, pulling out the journal. He began to flick through the pages while I sat back, sipping from my cup and thinking.

"Mm-hmm."Dean mumbled. His eyes widened slightly and he flipped the journal over, showing the page to Sam and I."There, check it out."

His name was written across the page, a number accompanying it."You think it's the same Elkins?"

"It's a Colorado area code."I pointed out, tilting my head slightly.


The drive to Colorado was long but by nightfall, we had made it to Elkins cabin. It was covered by thick woods, shielding it from the outside world. Sam knelt down to the door, picking at the lock as Dean and I stood watch, flashlights in our hands. Finally, the door slowly swung open revealing a dark hallway. Sam straightened and held out his hand so I placed the spare flashlight into his palm before walking through the door. I heard Dean and Sam following shortly after.

The room was cluttered in papers and books."Looks like the maid didn't come today."Dean huffed out sarcastically.

"Hey, there's salt over here. Right beside the door."Sam called out from where he still crouched near the front door.

"You mean protection against demon salt, or 'oops I spilled the popcorn' salt."I asked, flicking through Elkins papers that were on the table. I had this strange feeling running through my spine. The same kind of feeling I got when someone was watching me.

"It's clearly a ring."Sam stated. He walked into the room where Dean and I were."You think this guy Elkins was a player?"

"Definitely."Dean confirmed as he looked through something.

"That looks a hell of a lot like Dad's. "Sam breathed out, looking over Dean's shoulder.

"Yep, except this dates back to the 60s."Dean explained. I was on the other side of the room, searching the walls. I glanced out the window, the feeling of something watching us getting more intense. I double looked as I saw a figure standing in the trees, but once I looked back up, nothing seemed to be there. Weird. I could have sworn I saw a man. "Kat."Dean called as him and Sam moved out the room. I took a final glance out the window before following.

The room we walked into was even worse than the previous. A huge hole was in the roof, everything else in the room was destroyed.

"Whatever attacked him, it looks like there was more than one."Sam mentioned.

"Looks like he put up a hell of a fight too."I pointed out, taking the destruction into thought.

"Yeah."Sam and Dean agreed. We investigated the room, our flashlights shining in on objects that seemed interesting. Dean's seemed to catch something as he crouched down to get a closer look.

"You got something?"Sam questioned, walking over to him.

"I dunno. Some scratches on the floor."Dean explained.

"Death throes maybe?"Sam suggested.

"Yeah, maybe."Dean sighed, looking up. He grabbed a page from a notebook and a pen off the desk. He placed it over the marks and rubbed the pencil over it to get an outline. He ripped it off the floor and his face fell in realization."Or maybe a message." He held the paper up so I took it from his hands to inspect it."Look familiar?"

"Three letters, six digits. The location and combination of a post office box. It's a mail drop."I said, holding my flashlight to the page so Sam could see too.

"Just the way Dad does it."Sam breathed out, furrowing his eyebrows.


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