Something Wicked-Bikini Inspector

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Katherine P.O.V

The Impala bumped down the road as we drove to our next destination. John had sent us more coordinates for another case he wanted us to check out and Dean didn't waste any time rushing us into the car. Sam didn't seem convinced that something was wrong in the town though.

"Yeah. You probably missed something, that's what."Dean snapped.

"Dude, I ran LexisNexis, local police reports, newspapers, I couldn't find a single red flag. Are you sure you got the coordinates right?"Sam asked, glancing over at his brother from the passenger seat.

"Yeah, I double checked. It's Fitchburg, Wisconson. Dad wouldn't have sent us coordinates if it wasn't important Sammy."Dean told hum, glancing back at me through the rear-view mirror. I nodded at him, letting him know that I agreed with him on this. It was worth checking out after all.

Sam sighed in frustration."Well I'm telling you I looked and all I could find was a big steamy pile of nothing. If Dad's sending us hunting for something I don't know what."

"Well maybe he's going to meet us there."I spoke up from my place in the backseat.

"Yeah."Sam chuckled sarcastically."Cause he's been so easy to find up to this point."

"You're a real smart ass you know that?.... Don't worry I'm sure there's something in Fitchburg worth killing."Dean said, glancing back at the road.

"Yeah? What makes you so sure."Sam questioned.

"Cause I'm the oldest, which means I'm always right."Dean smirked, glancing over at Sam. I scrunched up my face and threw myself between the brothers to stare at Dean.

"No it doesn't."Sam and I told him at the same time.

"It totally does."Dean stated. He glanced at us with a little grin then looked back to the road. I scoffed and fell back into the seat, running a hand through my messy curls.

"Whatever you say Grandpa."I smirked and looked out the window, hearing him gasp.

"Take that back."He growled, a playful glint in his eyes. I stuck my tongue out like a child and laughed. "Fine, princess. If that's how you wanna be."He pouted and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, keep your hair piece on."I teased and Sam chuckled while Dean glared at me.


An hour later and we had made it to the small town. Dean had disappeared to get us coffee, as I insisted that I was unable to function without it, while Sam and I were lent against the Impala. Our gazes were locked onto the playground in front of us.

"Well...the waitress thinks the local freemasons are up to something sneaky but other than that no one's heard about anything freaky going on."Dean called, coming to stand next to me and handing us our coffees. I wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying though as I frowned in thought.

"Dean you got the time?"I asked.

I saw him look down at his watch and then back at me."Ten after Four. Why?"

"What's wrong with this picture."Sam stated, indicating ahead of us. The playground had a single girl playing in it.

"School's out isn't it?"Dean asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

I nodded."Yeah. So where is everybody? This place should be crawling with kids right now."

"Let's go find out."Dean suggested and started walking towards the park. I looked back to Sam who shook his head and got into the car so I jogged ahead, catching up to Dean. We approached the woman sat on the bench reading a magazine."Sure is quiet out here."

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