Devil's Trap-Sunrise Apartments

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  Katherine P.O.V

"You better hurry up and beat it. Before the paramedics get here."Dad told us as him and the brothers walked into the kitchen. I couldn't find it in myself to stand just yet and instead stared down at the lifeless girl in my lap. The demon was a nasty piece of work but an innocent girl was trapped beneath and we completely ignored her cries for help. Weren't hunters supposed to save people? Why didn't I save her?

"What are you gonna tell them?"I heard Dean ask. I ran my fingers through her hair one last time and gently laid her head onto the floor. After all the years of witnessing people get hurt and die, you'd think I'd be used to it but honestly, it never gets easier. The guilt and shame still weighed down on my chest and clouded my mind.

"You think you guys invented lying to the cops? I'll figure something out."Dad said as I stood on shaky legs and made my way to the kitchen. Dean turned as I entered and offered a gentle smile but I couldn't return it. Dad held out the big book, that I recognized to be the Key of Solomon, to Sam."Here take this. You might need it."

"Thanks."Sam muttered, bringing the book in close to his chest.

"Thanks... for everything. Be careful, alright?"Dean said gently, concern in his voice.

"You just go find your Dad. And when you do, you bring him around, would you? I won't even try to shoot him this time."Dad said with a small smile. Sam and Dean returned the gesture before we started to walk out. I was stopped by my Dad's voice and quickly told the boys to wait for me in the car as I turned to face him.

"What's wrong?"I asked, confused.

"Dean told me about what happened."He sighed and I pursed my lips. By the look of concern on his face I could guess that he meant the bad stuff and not a simple catch up.


"And? Kat, why didn't you call me!?"He said, his voice raising. I was slightly taken aback but quickly regained my composure and shrugged.

"What would it have done? So what I have weird dreams and got sick. Telling you wasn't gonna fix that and it certainly wasn't gonna miraculously make me feel better."I snapped, taking in a deep breath to calm myself.

"I'm your father, Kat! It would be nice to know when something like this is happening!"He yelled. I didn't know why this conversation had gotten so heated in the short amount of time or why I was so angry, but I was unable to calm myself and be rational.

"Okay, now you know. Oh look, nothing has friggin changed!"I growled sarcastically. Something was starting to build inside me, the same feeling I had after the thing that happened with the vampire. Just a dark feeling that started to slither up my body, attaching itself to the inside. But just like before, it didn't scare me.

I clenched my fists tightly at my sides as a strong feeling to hurt him washed over me. I didn't know where it had come from but it was like an echo of voices, repeating the same thing over and over again, getting louder each time. Eventually, the screaming started to pound against my skull as if it was trying to break free and I cried out, bringing my hands to my head to clutch at my hair.

"Kat?"I heard my dad ask but it sounded far away as the voices drowned out every other noise. The darkness started to become thicker, almost like it was trying to take control and I fell to my knees. Through my blurred vision, I saw my dad rush towards me but the sound of his footsteps seemed just like hammers to my fragile skull and I held my hand out in protest while I clenched my eyes closed. Suddenly, the voices stopped.

I breathed a sigh of relief and slowly opened my eyes as I released my tight hold from my hair. My dad wasn't in front of me like I expected. He was across the room, collapsed on the floor and staring at me in pure horror. My eyes trailed down to my outstretched hand and I brought it to my chest, looking back to my father in shock.

"I'm-I'm so sorry."I stuttered, clambering to my feet and backing away quickly. He stood to his feet but his eyes remained the same. They looked at me with judgment, like I was a freak. I couldn't bare it any longer and ran outside to the car. I just had to get away.

Dean and Sam were sat in the front seats as I burst through the back door and sprinted to the Impala, jumping into the back. They both jumped as I slammed the door, breathing heavily and turned to me shocked, their expression filling with concern once they saw the look on mine. "Kat-"Dean started.

"Drive."I rushed out, panic in my voice. I didn't want my dad to come out. I didn't want to face what I might have just done.


"Please!"Dean only took a second to start the car and drive out of the junkyard at my request. I slouched in my seat and curled up into a ball near the window as my house got further from sight. My dad's figure never appeared meaning he didn't try to follow.


After some time in the car, the Impala finally pulled to a stop by some train tracks in Jefferson City, Missouri. Dean hopped out, moving to the back end of the car to pop the trunk open. Sam followed shortly after but rested on the roof of the car, pulling out the book and a marker as he inspected the Key of Solomon. I stayed in the car for a moment, reflecting on what had happened but no matter how many ideas I came up with, nothing seemed to make sense. I mean besides the few moments something had happened, I felt normal. I couldn't explain it.

With a sigh, I exited the car, walking to join Dean at the trunk. I removed my flannel and tied it round my waist before beginning to help with loading the guns and putting them in the duffel. Neither brother nor I spoke a word but eventually, I caught Sam looking over at us with concern.

"You've both been quiet."He called out, flickering through the pages of the book.

Dean stayed silent for a second, clicking his gun and putting it in his bag."Just getting ready."

"He's gonna be fine, Dean."Sam said reassuringly, knowing the older Winchester's worries. Of course, neither knew about mine and I preferred to keep it that way. They had bigger issues right now than whatever the hell was going on with me. That was my problem and mine alone. Dean didn't answer his brother so Sam continued to flick through the pages.

My eyes flickered upwards as they caught movement on top of the hood. Sam stood there copying something from the book onto the Impala. A smirk found it's way into my face as I realized Dean hadn't noticed yet. I looked up at him and waited for him to freak. After a few seconds, Dean's eyes shifted up and saw Sam causing them to widen."Dude, what are you drawing on my car!"

"It's called a Devil's trap."Sam replied, not even bothering to look up. Dean walked around the hood to stand beside him."Demons can't get through it or inside it."

"So?"Dean asked, still sounding angry and not getting the point.

Sam glanced up at me as he moved around the car to the other side of the hood, beginning to draw another symbol. Dean rubbed his finger over the chalk, his face scrunching up when he realized it wasn't coming off."It basically turns the trunk into a lockbox."

"So?"Dean asked again, more urgently.

"So, we have a place to hide the Colt while we go get Dad."Sam explained like it was nothing. I paused my movement at that and looked up, furrowing my eyebrows.

"What are you talking about? We're bringing the Colt with us."I told him, Dean nodding his head in agreement.

"We can't, guys. We've only got three bullets left. We can't just use them on any demon, we've got to use them on the demon."Sam answered.

"No, we have to save Dad, Sam, okay? We're gonna need all the help we can get."Dean snapped, walking to stand in front of him.

"Dean, you know how pissed Dad would be if we used all the bullets?"Sam protested. I opened my mouth to reply but he carried on before I could utter a word, continuing to stare at Dean."Dean, he wouldn't want us to bring the gun."

"I don't care, Sam. I don't care what Dad wants, okay? And since when do you care what Dad wants?"Dean growled, his voice raising. It was strange that Sam suddenly wanted to do what his father wanted. I kind of felt like I was intruding on their family moment so I stayed off to the side, silently watching.

"We want to kill this demon. You used to want that, too. Hell, I mean, you're the one who came and got me at school!"Sam snapped. Dean scoffed at that statement."You're the one who dragged me back into this, Dean. I'm just trying to finish it!"There was a pause as Dean looked down, Sam staring at his brother to wait for an answer.

"Well, you and Dad are a lot more alike than I thought, you know that? You both can't wait to sacrifice yourself for this thing. But you know what? I'm gonna be the one to bury you."Dean told him, slight sadness in his voice. He paused again as Sam's facial features softened."You're selfish, you know that? You don't care about anything but revenge."

"That's not true, Dean."Sam replied making Dean scoff again."I want Dad back. But they are expecting us to bring this gun. They get the gun, they will kill us all. That Colt is our only leverage and you know it, Dean. We can not bring that gun. We can't."Sam argued.

Although I thought bringing the colt was a good idea, I could see Sam's point. By the sigh of defeat Dean let out, I could tell he could too."Fine."

"I'm serious, Dean."Sam warned.

"I said fine, Sam."Dean shot back. He removed the colt from his jacket and showed it to Sam before taking a few steps back to put it in the trunk. I sighed deeply and grabbed the bag of supplies, flinging it over my shoulder and slamming the trunk shut.

We began to walk by the river in silence, the boys slightly in front of me as I dragged behind. Dean's arm flung out, stopping me in my tracks as we stepped into some trees."Hey, hey."He called, stopping Sam as well, his green eyes locked on something before him."Think I know what Meg meant by 'Sunrise'."

My eyes followed his gaze to see an apartment building with a sign that said 'Sunrise Apartments'. We walked forward slightly to get a better look and saw some people outside, even kids."Son of a bitch. That's pretty smart. I mean, if these demons can possess people they can possess almost anybody inside."I muttered, glancing back at the brothers.

"Yeah, and make anybody attack us."Sam pointed out.

"And so we can't kill them – a building full of human shields."Dean grumbled.

"They probably know exactly what we look like, too. And they could look like anybody."I said with a bitter tone. I was not liking the odds here.

"Yeah, this sucks out loud."Dean agreed.

"Tell me about it. Alright, so, how the hell are we going to get in?"Sam asked. I shifted the bag up further on my shoulder and thought for a second.

"Pull the fire alarm, get out all the civilians."I suggested.

"Okay, but then the city responds in, what, seven minutes?"Sam questioned.

"Seven minutes exactly."Dean replied with a nod almost instantly.

"Then let's do this shit."I smirked.


Sam was the one to go into the building and pull the alarm while Dean and I stayed outside to stand watch. The loud sound of a bell rang through the air making the passers by pause and stare up at the building. I glanced up at Dean and smirked as Sam jogged down the stairs and across the street towards us.

"Now what?"I asked as he reached us, hands in his pockets.

"Now we wait."Dean replied with a shrug of his shoulders. Seven minuets later, the fire department arrived just like Dean had said. "I'll distract, you two figure a way to get in."I didn't get a chance to reply before Dean started moving towards a fireman."Hey, what's happening? Is it a fire?"Dean asked with fake-yet believable-concern in his voice.

"We're figuring that out right now, sir. Just stay back."The man said calmly, gently pushing Dean back to move him away.

"Well, I've got a Yorkie upstairs and he pees when he's nervous...."Dean chuckled worriedly.

"Sir, you have to stay back."The fireman ordered, continuing to lead him away. Dean glanced over the man's shoulder slightly and made eye contact with me, giving a slight nod of his head. I smirked back and grabbed onto Sam's arm, pulling him towards the back end of the firetrucks. Sam looked around to make sure no one was watching as I shifted the bag further up my shoulder and bent down to pick the lock.


Sadly, they didn't have any female uniforms so I was stuck in a smaller male's. It was still too big and swamped my body so I had to roll the legs up a bit causing the brothers to have a slight laugh. Once I stopped tripping over the legs, we made our way up the stairs and through the hallways in the heavy equipment, the gas masks covering our faces. Dean was slightly ahead of me and Sam, the EMF reader in his hand as he checked the rooms.

"I always wanted to be a fireman when I grew up."Dean muttered.

"You never told me that."Sam said, slight surprise in his voice. Dean looked back at us to reply but the reader started going crazy. Dean looked back down to it, raising it up to the door in front of him only for it to get louder.

Pushing past the brothers, I raised my fist and banged it against the door, the sound echoing through the apartment. "This is the fire department. We need you to evacuate."I shouted. The click of the locks on the door made me tighten my grip on the bag handle, readying myself. It started to open but I didn't give it time before I raised my foot and kicked the door. A woman yelled as she was shoved back, the brother's and I barging into the room. I threw the bag across the floor and grabbed the hose attached to the tank on my back, spraying the woman on the floor. She screamed in pain as the holy water singed her skin, the black haze that was surrounding her starting to ripple as the water hit it. Sam and Dean were spraying a man that was hidden behind the door when we came in.

Dean punched the man in the face, pulling him into the closet."Come on!"I lunged forward for the girl where she led on the table and gripped onto her upper body, dragging her off the table and towards the closet. With the help of Sam, I was able to shove her in. Dean slammed the door closed, using his body weight to keep it closed.

"Hurry up!"I rushed to his side to lend a hand, the screaming of the demons getting louder as they tried to get out. Sam ran across the room to the bag I had thrown and rummaged through it, retrieving a canister of salt. He ran back, creating a line of salt around mine and Dean's feet.

As soon as he finished, Dean and I stepped out the semi-circle, the pounding on the door stopping. Quickly, we began to strip from the fireman gear. I ducked down to grab the duffel bag and followed as the brothers moved towards the bedroom door that was left slightly open. Dean glanced back before he pushed the door open, being greeted with a sight that shocked him. John led star-fished out on the bed, bound to the bedposts.

"Dad?"Dean asked, rushing to his side. When there was no reply, he lent down and listened to his mouth."He's still breathing."The breath I had been holding escaped my lips in relief. Dean started to shake his father, his face still filled with concern."Dad, wake up. Dad!"

I took a knife out of my back pockets and went to cut away his restraints when Sam's voice stopped me."Wait. Wait."

"What?"I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows. Something did seem off but I was trying to ignore it in order to get John out. With the pause and second the think, there was an odd glow around John, It was clear but blurred like a mirage.

"He could be possessed for all we know."Sam pointed out.

"What, are you nuts?"Dean asked, going to take the knife out of my hands.

"Dean, we got to be sure."Sam told him, removing a flask from his jacket. I held my breath as he sprinkled it over John unconscious body. It had no effect but John came to, moaning.

"Sam? Why are you splashing water on me?"John groaned. I laughed a bit in surprise and relief as Dean lent back down to check on his father.

"Dad, are you okay?"Dean inquired.

"They've been drugging me. Where's the Colt?"John questioned, his voice thick.

"Don't worry, John, it's safe."I assured, smiling. I started to cut away his restraints.

"Good boys and girl."John sighed making me smirk. The brother's lent their strength to their father as they pulled him up, his arms slung over their shoulders. I led the way, moving out the room when suddenly, the front door was kicked in. A fireman and another man walked in, the black haze surrounding them thickly.

"Go! Go!"I screamed, pushing the boys back. I slowed my steps as the men gained on us, intending to hold them off for a bit while the Winchester's got away.

"Back! Back!"Dean called. His hand shot out and gripped onto my wrist, dragging me into the bedroom behind them. Sam shifted his father to me before locking it behind us. An axe came through the wood of the door making me jump and grip onto John's waist more. Sam ran a line of salt across the threshold of the door as I helped Dean get John out the fire escape. I moved down the stairs with John, supporting his weight as much as I could."Sam, let's go!"I heard Dean call, their footsteps quickly following.

I jumped down the ladder first, reaching back up to help John. His arm wound around my neck as we started walking down the back alley. Suddenly, a figure jumped out from behind a truck and tackled Sam to the floor, straddling his hips. His fists began to pound into his face, Dean running to his brother's aid while I stood helpless with John struggling to stand. Dean kicked the man in the face but it had no effect. His head tilted and Dean suddenly went flying through the air, landing in a heap on the floor. The man went back to hitting Sam, his face becoming bloody.

"Dean!"I screamed, setting John down so he was lent against the wall and running over. My fist clashed with his face with enough force that I heard a crunch. His head snapped to the side but other wise held no effect just like before. His hand shot out, gripping onto my leg and tossed me through the air into a parked car. Glass shattered around me and metal bent as my back collided with the windshield. I cried out as it cut into my skin, some digging deep, a deep searing pain spreading through my thigh.

Suddenly, a gunshot echoed through the air. I looked up, wincing to see the man that was sat atop Sam, beating him drop dead to the floor. Dean stood with a deep scowl on his face, the colt in his hand. He slowly lowered it and ran over to his brother who laid panting on the floor.

"Sam, come on! Come on!"Dean helped Sam to his feet and they both stared down at man. The demon was dead but so was the man it was possessing."Come on. We got to get out of here."Dean muttered. Sam nodded and rushed over to John, helping him as Dean made his way over to me. He gently pushed his arms underneath me, lifting me up bridal style. I groaned in pain as the glass in my leg dug deeper, tearing into the skin. "I got you. It's okay."Dean muttered as he swiftly carried me back to the Impala.  

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