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  Katherine P.O.V

Sam managed to find the address to the Miller's old house and we headed there straight away.As we pulled the Impala up to the side of the road, I saw an older man standing on his lawn doing some gardening. I tapped the boys on the shoulders and pointed to him before getting out and making my way over to him."Hello."I greeted.

The man looked up and smiled warmly."Hey. Do you need any help ma'am?"

I felt both the boys come up behind me, standing on either side."Oh no, it's fine.I was just wondering if you've lived in the neighborhood long?"

"Yeah, almost twenty years now. It's nice and quiet. Why, you looking to buy?"He asked, eyeing me and Dean with a small smile.

"No, no, actually we were wondering if you might recall a family that used to live right across the street I believe."Sam questioned, pointing towards the house behind him.

"Yeah the Millers. They had a little boy called Max."Dean stated.

The man's face darkened slightly and his eyes became sympathetic."Yeah, I remember. The brother had the place right next door. So, uh, what's this about, is that poor kid okay?"

All three of us looked towards the house that was supposedly the brother's then back to the man.I furrowed my eyebrows."What do you mean?"

"Well, in my life I've never seen a child treated like that. I mean, I'd hear Mr Miller yelling and throwing things clear across the street, he was a mean drunk. He used to beat the tar outta Max. Bruises. Broke his arm two times that I know of."He said with a slight shake of his head. My eyes widened and I looked to Dean. I noticed his jaw clench but the rest of his face remained emotionless.

"This was going on regularly?"Sam asked.

"Practically every day. In fact that thug brother of his was just as likely to take a swing at the boy, but the worst part was the stepmother. She'd just stand there, checked out, not lifting a finger to protect him. I must have called the police seven or eight times. Never did any good."The man put his head down in sympathy. I knew I recognized that look in Max's eyes. I had seen it within the eyes of one of my best friends. Dean's eyes.

"Now you said step mother."Dean clarified. I was only half listening at that point. Dean's face was hard but his eyes held so much emotion. So many memories. All I wanted was to hug him but I knew that wouldn't be appreciated.

"I think his real mother died. Some sorta...accident. Car accident I think."The man looked towards Sam, his eyes turning concerned. I followed his gaze to see Sam grimacing in pain."Are you okay there?"

"Uh, yeah."Sam grumbled out, gripping his head.

Dean took Sam's arm and looked towards the man."Thanks for your time."

"Yeah, thank you."Sam muttered before Dean started to lead him away. I smiled tightly at the man before following them."God."

"Hey, Sam, what's wrong?"I asked concerned, running to catch up and putting my arm around his middle for support. Sam's eyes suddenly became unfocused and he collapsed. Me and Dean caught him and looked to each other shocked and concerned. I helped Dean get him into the backseat before I got into the front and Dean pulled away."Do you think he's having another vision?"

"I don't know."Dean replied simply. His body was tense and he refused to make any eye contact. I know that he wouldn't want to talk about it but I couldn't help myself. I have this tendency to need to fix any problems they may have.

"Hey, Dean, do you-"I began to ask but was cut off when Sam gasped loudly.

"Max is doing it. Everything I've been seeing."He said, panting slightly. I looked to him shocked and Dean glanced behind.

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