Pilot-We gotta talk

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  11 years later

Katherine P.O.V (Kat: 24 Dean:27 Sam:23)

"Dean!" I yelled as Dean came rushing towards me. "This is mine. Get your own damn pie!"

"No, it's mine. I was gone for two seconds and you, being the thief you are, stole it!" He said and went to grab it out of my hands but I pulled away in time.

"Nuh uh." I stuck my tongue out at him and he smirked.

"Give me the pie Kat." I made a rash decision and shoved as much as I could into my mouth. He stopped and his mouth dropped open."Did you really just do that?".

I smirked in response, unable to reply with the food in my mouth. He shook his head and sat on the bed, putting his shoes back on."We are going out and you are gonna buy me another pie."

"Whatnow?"It came out jumbled as I spoke around the food. He looked up and gave me a smile. My heart did a little flutter. I may or may not have had a crush on Dean since I was 13. I don't act on it though knowing he doesn't feel the same. We were just best friends.

"Yes now, you dipshit. I was looking forward to eating pie." He stood up and pulled me along with him to the Impala.

I've been hunting with uncle John and Dean since I was 17. When I turned 19, dad finally allowed me to leave and travel with them; as long as I called once in a while to let him know I'm not dead. We were currently in New Orleans, John was on a solo hunt.

Dean's long fingers reached across and turned on the radio. Metallica blasted out and Dean started to drum his fingers on the steering wheel and sing at the top of his lungs. He actually had a nice voice; it was rough yet soft. I sounded like a dying moose but that didn't stop me. I joined in and soon we were laughing.

"Right, go get me some pie! I want cherry with extra cream."Dean said as he pulled up to a diner.

"Alright princess."

I rolled my eyes and walked in; it was packed. While I waited in the line, I decided to ring Sam. He went off to college a couple years back and John cut off all ties although I know he checks up on him sometimes. Dean followed his lead and only called once every 6 months. The Winchester's were stubborn. I was the only one to keep in contact. The phone rang a few times and then his rough voice came through.


"Sam? It's Kat."

"Kathy?It's been ages. How you been?"I can hear the smile in his voice.

"It's been two weeks. But I've been good. How's Stanford?"

"It's good. I got an interview on Monday for a job." He says and I gasp.

"I'm so proud of you Sam!"

"Thanks Kat, that means a lot."I hear someone else's voice in the background. Defiantly female.

"Whose that? Tell me you finally got laid?" I say with a smirk and hope in my voice.

"You sound just like Dean, and that's Jess...she's uhh-she's my girlfriend."He sounds nervous as if he doesn't know what my reaction will be.

"I spend all day, everyday with the douche. What do you expect? and how long?"It couldn't have been that long cause Sam would have told me.#

"Just over a year. We uhh we live together...."

"YOU WHAT!?" Everyone turns to me and I give a sheepish smile "Why didn't you say anything Sam?"

"I don't know, it just never really came up. I'm sorry?"

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