Wendigo-Cruising for a hookup

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  Katherine P.O.V

Another car ride with nothing to do.I still haven't spoken about what happened that night. I don't know what it means and until I do, I'll keep it to myself. There has to be a reason that I have nightmares about yellow eyes. I don't want to worry them for no reason. I mean Sam is suffering enough.I settle with my usual routine of staring out the window, but I kept glancing at Sam in the passenger seat. He had fallen asleep about an hour ago but he flinched and shook.

"Dean, should we wake him up?"I asked nervously but he shook his head.

"I know it's hard Kat, but this is the most he's slept all week. Just let him rest." I nodded and studied Sam for a while. Something was bothering me. Is that how I look? I know I have nightmares but I never considered that I let it show while sleeping. I know I was a mess when I woke up and it takes Dean a while to calm me down. He has always been the only person to do that and the only person I let know that I even have nightmares."Dean....do-do I look like that?"I muttered.

Dean glanced at me and furrowed his eyebrows. "Umm..no, no you sleep like an angel."He smirked but I saw a look flash across his face that tells me that I do look like that. I smiled at him, grateful that he was trying to make me feel better. "Honestly Kat, your good." He smiled back at me.

Sam suddenly gasped and shot upwards. He looked around panicked with wide eyes. He calmed down when he realised that he was in the Impala with us.

"You okay?"I asked concerned. He glanced back at me and I saw his face harden as if he was trying to hide his true emotions. That made me a little upset cause we're meant to be best friends and he wasn't letting me help.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"...Do you want to talk about it?"I offered but already knew the answer. All the Winchester's had a thing for bottling things up in a really unhealthy way. I mean I couldn't really say much but it's they're fault. I spend too much time with them. He didn't answer but clenched his jaw.

"You wanna drive for a while?"Dean offered. That took both me and Sam by surprise. Sam's head snapped over to look at him and I leapt forward to lean on the front seat's.

"Sam! Take the deal!" I gasped excited then frowned. "Hey! Not fair. How come I don't ever get to drive?"

"Yes you do. We have an agreement. Say it with me." He began to chant it so I groaned and joined in sarcastically.

."Ugh..I can drive Baby if Dean is bleeding severely or unable to do it for himself for whatever reason."

"Yay, you got it princess!"Dean exclaimed with obvious humour in his voice. Sam chuckled and went back to the original topic.

"You know Dean, in your whole life you've never once asked me that."

Dean shrugged, turning his attention back to the road."Just thought you might want to. Never mind then."

"Sammmmm I can't believe you passed that up. If not for yourself, you should have done it for me."I pouted. Sam chuckled then stretched out his arms.

"Look guys, you're worried about me. I get it, and I thank you but I'm perfectly okay." I stared blankly at him and Dean made no sign of acknowledgement that he even heard what he said. Sam sighed deeply and grabbed the map that was lying across the dash board. "Now, where are we?"

"We're just outside of Grand Junction." Dean replied.

Sam folded down the map in order to get a better view of where we were heading. The map was of Colorado and a large red X was placed on the coordinates 35-111. "You know what?"He suddenly said but didn't look up. "Maybe we shouldn't have left Stanford so soon.".

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