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  Katherine P.O.V

It has been two weeks since I left. Dean and Sam have tried to call but I haven't answered. I don't want to speak to them, I don't even want to speak at all. I haven't been eating or sleeping well. The nightmares about what the shifters said and what I did keep me up. That night has blank spots. I remember going into the house, seeing her and anger just took over. I even remember following her but after, I blacked out. The next thing I remember, there was blood everywhere. So much blood all over her, me, and the walls. I don't know what happened or what I did but it scared me.

As of right now, I've chosen the couch to mope. "Come on, baby girl. You haven't even touched your food."My Dad's voice made me jump slightly. My head snapped in his direction to see him stood in the doorway to the kitchen, staring at me with sympathy.

"I'm not hungry."I reply bluntly, turning to continue staring at the sky.

He sighed."Okay, that's enough. You have been moping around for two weeks Katherine. I get that they hurt you and I want to kill them for it, trust me, but it was a mistake. A mistake that they are more than sorry over."He lectured.

"Whatever, Dad."

"Don't take that tone with me, Katherine. Pick up the phone the next time they call."He glared at me and went to walk into the kitchen before calling over his shoulder."And eat your damn food, idjit!"I chuckled quietly but winced when my ribs protested and looked to the untouched sandwich at my side.


Guess I was hungrier than I thought. I reached out to get it when my phone rang. The caller ID said Dean. I hesitated to answer, I mean I have been avoiding them. Although I can't help but miss them. I know they're sorry and I know they didn't mean anything that happened but I was still angry. I took in a deep breath before answering the phone.


"Kat!? Oh my god, you actually picked up."Dean sounded surprised but happy."Sam quick, she's on the phone."He whispered away from the phone and I heard something moving.

"Kat?"Sam asked.

"...Yeah it's me."I whispered, tears had started to gather in my eyes.It was good to hear their voices I heard both of them sigh in relief.

"We miss you."Sam said.

"I miss you guys too." I giggled as the tears fell.

"You do? I thought that-I though you hated us. That you hated me."Dean said and he sounded so broken and tired that I felt my heart shatter.

"I'm sorry, Dean. I was angry and hurt.....But I could never hate you. Neither of you. You're my family."

"You have no idea how happy I am to hear that."Sam breathed out."Uh, Kat?"


"Can you get the door please?"

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion."The door? Why?"I questioned but moved towards the door. I could walk now although my ankle was still a little sore.

"Just do it Kat."Dean laughed. I chuckled lightly so I didn't hurt my ribs, and made it to the door.

"If I open this, nothing is gonna jump out on me right?"I asked wearily. They both laughed but neither replied and I opened the door slowly.On the doorstep were Sam and Dean. Dean held a large bouquet of flowers in his hands while Sam had his arms filled with all different foods. I gasped, hanging up the phone."Oh my god...."

"Surprise!"They both yelled with goofy grins upon their faces.

"What...I don't-what?"I stuttered, shocked that they would do something so amazing for me.

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