Wendigo-Now we gotta babysit

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  Katherine P.O.V

Sam did have a name; Shaw. He was an older man with greying hair. He let us in once we claimed to be Park ranger. I felt terrible. Not only were we dragging up awful memories for him but we were lying.

"Look ranger, I don't know why you're asking me about this. It's public record."Mr. Shaw started, taking a seat in the armchair."I was a kid. My parents were mauled by a-" He carried on saying but Sam interrupted him.

"A grizzly? That's what attacked them?"Sam asked and Mr. Shaw hesitated before nodding.

"The other people that went missing that year....those bear attacks too?"I asked. I saw Mr. Shaw look down in fear and sadness.

"What about all the people that went missing this year? Same thing? If we knew what we were dealing with, we might be able to stop it."Dean said keeping his tone soft, knowing this was hard for the man.

"I seriously doubt that. Any ways, I don't see what difference it would make. You wouldn't believe me, nobody ever did."Mr. Shaw mumbled. I reached across and grasped onto his hand. His eyes snapped to mine shocked.

"I don't think it was a grizzly."I said softly and he seemed to soften up."What did you see?"

"Nothing. It moved to fast to see, it hid too well. I heard it though, a roar, like....no man or animal I ever heard,"He said, eyes glazed over. I squeezed his hand in reassurance. I felt terrible for the man.

"It came at night?"Sam asked and Mr. Shaw nodded."Got inside your tent?"

"It got indside our cabin. I was sleeping in front of the fireplace when it came in. It didn't smash a window or break the door, it unlocked it. Do you know of a bear that could do something like that? I didn't even wake up till I heard my parents screamin',"

"It killed them?"I asked.

"Dragged them off into the night. Why it left me alive....been asking myself that ever since. Did leave me this though" He said and moved his collar with his free hand to reveal a nasty scar. No grizzly left that. It was too clean, too swift. "There's something evil in those woods. It was some sort of demon."

We thanked Mr.Shaw for his time, and we headed out into the hallway. The boys walked on and before I followed them, I turned and wrapped my arms around the old man.

"I'm really sorry for what happened but I promise we'll find the son of a bitch that did this." I whispered into his ear and pulled away. His eyes were shining with tears but he nodded and gave me a weak smile. I quickly caught up with the Winchesters and heard that Dean was knocking off possible candidates.

"Spirits and demons don't have to unlock doors. If they want inside they just go through the walls."He wondered aloud.

"So it's probably something else, something corporeal,"Sam said and I laughed at the fancy word.

"Corporeal?"I asked.

"Excuse me,professor."Dean mocked and I jumped onto his back. He reacted quickly as he put his hands under my knees to keep me up. I guess he was used to it as I do it whenever I can't be bothered to walk. Which is pretty often. We kept muttering the word 'corporeal' in fancy accents and Sam finally had enough.

"Shut up. So what do you think? The claws, the speed of which it moves, could be a skin walker, maybe a black dog. Whatever we're talking about, we're talking about a creature and it's corporeal. Which means we can kill it." Sam said. I laughed as Dean piggybacked me all the way to the Impala. He slid me down his body until my feet hit the floor and moved to the trunk, propping it up with the shotgun. I moved around and watched as he started shoving pistols into a duffel bag and Sam stood to the side with arms crossed."We can't let that Haley girl go out there,"He summarized.

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