Wendigo-Jealous or something

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  Katherine P.O.V

We eventually ended up at the entrance of an abandoned mine. Warning signs were hung around it saying 'Warning! Danger! Do not enter. Extremely toxic.' It looked like the perfect hiding place.

"It says it's toxic. You don't think they're in there do you?"Ben noted after reading one of the signs.

"I think it's something we need to check out," Sam replied. He stepped forwards, ducking under the sign."Toxic materials or not. There's a very good possibility that they'll be in there."Ben shot me a look and I nodded, encouraging him to go. He hesitated at first but trailed after Sam, me closely behind.

The further we went into the mine, the harder it was to see. Luckily, Sam happened to have his flashlight on him. He turned it on, but not for long as growling echoed through the mine. H quickly shut it off, pressing himself up as far against the wall as he could, motioning for Ben and me to do the same. Moments later, the wendigo came into view and I felt Ben shake beside me, I put my hand over his mouth to stop him from screaming. I tensed but the wendigo took a different route causing me to relax.


"What was that?"Ben whispered, glancing over his shoulder. I paused, shifting my foot back and forth over the spot I had just stepped on. Creeeeaaaak.

"Floorboards."I shrugged. "Just move carefully.

Sam nodded, and took another step when the floorboards let out another loud creak, louder than before. "These don't sound very stab-"

It was then that the floorboards went out from underneath us, causing us to fall right through the floor and crash to the ground. We fell on top of something but I had no idea what it was. Sam flicked on his flashlight, aiming it at the pile of bones beneath us.

"Gross."I grumbled but Ben seemed to go into full blown panic.

"That's-that's"Ben said as he jumped to his feet.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, it's okay."Sam reassured him. I took that moment to look around. I saw two bodies suspended from the ceiling. One of which was Dean.

"Dean!"I exclaimed, jumping to my feet and running over to him. Ben saw Haley and went towards her.

"Haley! Haley wake up!"Ben said as he shook he gently.

"Dean, hey, you okay?" I said as Sam made his way over to us. Dean opened his eyes and a low groan escaped his lips.

"Yeah."Is all he said. I took the pocket knife from my back pocket and cut the ropes. Dean stumbled slightly but I caught him, causing me to lose my balance slightly, I sat him on the ground and threw Sam the knife so he could cut Haley down.

"You sure you're alright?" I asked again, concern filling me. He looked up and gave me his trademark smirk.

"Awe did I have you worried princess?" I kicked his leg, not hard enough to actually hurt him but hard enough to get my point across.

"Of course you did, I thought- I thought that...."I trailed off as tears built in my eyes at the thought of Dean not being okay. He smirk faded as he saw the tear run down my cheek.

"Hey Kate, I'm good. I'm here okay?"He said and stood up, pulling me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck and breathed in the smell that I feared I wouldn't ever be able to smell again. His arms tightened around me and he buried his head in my neck.

"Tommy!"Haley suddenly screeched causing me and Dean to brake apart. I looked over to see her make her way towards another body. As soon as she touched his cheek, his eyes flew open. Haley let out a surprise scream. "Cut him down!" Sam cut him down, catching him before he hit the ground. "We're gonna get you home."Haley said with a smile of happiness.

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