Chapter 86: Breakfast With The Brady's

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Chapter 86

Chuck's Point of View

The aroma of coffee and  bacon wafted up the stairs into my bedroom from the kitchen. My stomach growled in response. The house chef was putting together a beautiful spread for my father no doubt. His plane from Paris got in late last night. I'd thought about asking him to have a drink, but knew it was a waste of time and effort. I sat slumped in the leather chair behind my desk with my hands interlocked behind my head. I've been staring at this Princeton application for weeks it seems. Every part of me wants to fill it out in hopes that somehow Lux and I will work things out but the other part of me wants to fill it out and show up there in the fall just to piss her off.

Spiting her was juvenile, but oh so much fun. 

"Dude, breakfast." Eric peeked his head into my room. I nodded I'd heard him and watched him disappear.

Quickly I shoved the application under the desk calendar and got up.

I grabbed my school blazer off the foot of my bed as I walked past and shrugged it on as I walked down the hallway towards the stairs. I stared at my loafers as I walked only looking up once I was halfway down the stairs to see none other than the beguiling Lux standing before me.

She gave me a nervous smile, adjusting the strap to her bag on her shoulder.

Every time I looked at her she took my breath away. Instantly my eyes landed on her long lean tan legs and worked their way up to see she was wearing a short green plaid pleated skirt and a black tank top type shirt underneath her very overzealous peach colored blazer. I never knew what I'd see her wearing next; but somehow whatever she chose to wore she made it work and looked sexy as all hell in it.

Although I preferred her without any form of clothing on.

"Bass." She greeted me curtly when I finally looked at her face. Her hair was pulled back into a low bun revealing her high cheekbones and almond colored eyes.

"Woodley." I returned, as we sized each other up.

Ever since we got back from Yale a week ago we've returned to our normal faux loathing of one another. All the pleasantries were just our twisted form of foreplay. "What brings you here?"

"Serena invited me to breakfast. Is that a problem?" She arched an eyebrow at me as I  finished coming down off the steps to stand in front of her in the foyer by the elevator. I towered over her tiny frame.

"If I said it was?" I questioned screwing with her, just to see what she would say. I watched her suck her bottom lip between her teeth momentarily wanting nothing more than to bite it myself. She always liked when I did that...

"Well, I'd say get over it." And with a smile she turned on her heel and headed for the dining room leaving me with a smirk on my face and a hard on I'd have to take a cold shower to get rid of.


I followed after her into the dining room taking note of her canary yellow high top sneakers as she sat down next to Eric at the table. "Oh Lux! Dear, it's so good to see you!" Lily cooed as she too joined us at the table.

"It's good to see you as well. I hope it's alright that Serena invited me to breakfast." Lux smiled warmly. A warmth spread over my chest at the sight of her smile and I had to distract myself by sitting down and pouring a glass of orange juice out of the pitcher into my champagne flute. "Certainly. You're always welcome here. No invitation needed. Serena should be down in soon." Lily said, before sipping her coffee. "Unless she got lost in her closet again."

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