Chapter 52

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Fanfic: Empire Ch 52, Gossip Girl | FanFiction

A/N: Sorry if this sucks! I wanted to get through this episode because I've been on it forever!

Chapter 52

Lux's Point of View

Spotted: Chuck Bass putting his new BFF on speed dial, welcome to the inner circle Caleb! Is this the beginning of a beautiful bromance or the end of Caleb as we know? XOXO- Gossip Girl

"Damn that mother chucker!" I hissed snapping my phone shut. Blair gave me a sideways glance as we bustled quickly through the foyer of our home heading into the dining room. I pulled out a chair at the table and sat down with a sigh. Why did he have to do this to me? Blair paused looking over the clipboard in her hand reviewing all of the pre-party details Dorota had drawn up for her on such short notice.

My stomach has been in knots all morning ever since I ran into Caleb at Panera Bread with Blair. He reminded me that he was going to play squash with his new pal Chuck. Who knows what terrible horrible no good things he's said about me by now. According to that cyber bitch Gossip Girl they had quite the time at the country club. I never should have invited him to Blair's I wanna be a princess back to school party.

Maybe I shouldn't even be worrying about impressing Caleb and just stay focus on graduating and getting into college. I like Caleb, I do. But, I don't want to rush into another relationship that will probably lead to my heart shattering into a million pieces. Although, I doubt anyone could hurt me as much as Chuck did.

"Well done, Dorota. I like what I'm seeing." Blair cooed, as I lifted my head off of my arms on the table and glanced at her and Dorota. I had momentarily debated beating my head into the cherry wooden finished dining table, but decided against it because it looked polished and I didn't want Dorota to have to clean blood off of it.

"Now make the library the sky terrace, the ranunculus dahlias, the veuve clicquot laurent-pierre, and I think we have ourselves a party." Blair sounded off like a drill sergeant. I suppose in a twisted way she was one. I chuckled at Blair as I got to my feet and poured myself a glass of lemonade out of the glass pitcher sitting on the silver serving tray on the coffee table in the sitting room.

"Thank you, Miss. Blair." Dorota smiled. I loved her heavy Russian accent. It was so unique and peculiar. Just one of the many things I love about Dorota.

"This guest list, however, is a complete page one." Blair sighed in disappointment peeling the top piece of paper on the clipboard back with her French manicured hands. I stood behind Blair and stole a peek at the guest list and looked at Blair incredulously. Dorota had done a divine job putting together the guest list in my personal opinion. She had all of our regular circle and everyone else who mattered most.

"The list looks fine. Those are all of our friends, plus hot guys from Dalton." I pointed out, sipping on my glass of lemonade. Blair looked at me like she was ready to combust.

"Then invite strangers!" She yelled all but stomping her feet on the floor. I leaned back away from her assessing her snappy attitude.

"B, do you need a Prozac? Relax." I said propping my hand on my hip and staring back at her. She's been on edge ever since we arrived back in the city yesterday. It's honestly been draining all of the energy out of me.

"I have to present myself as a crown jewel, surrounded by other smaller, slightly flawed gems, but quality stones nonetheless. And try to round up a couple people who can vote so it doesn't feel like a total high school party." Blair replied seriously shoving the clipboard back in Dorota's hands, I shook my head at her and couldn't help but crack a small smile at my crazy best friend and all of her ludicrous behavior as of late.

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