Chapter Twenty Two: First Kill

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Chapter Twenty Two: First Kill

When Roxanne had her chance to escape from Jensen. She didn't waste time on jumping on a left open window.

Idiots. She thought.

Who would left a window open when there was a prisoner kept on the room? She smiled at the thought but something inside her felt a wanting to go back to that place... Particularly, to him. Jensen.

She took a run straight to the path where she knew that will lead her far away from the weres. She used her heightened senses and her hunter abilities. She could do it. She will.

Xanne didn't mind the branches of trees that torn her clothes and gave her small scratches. In her arms, neck, legs and on her face. The only thing she was able to think was to get out of the area where she was in danger. Strangely, a pang in her heart occurred when the thought of leaving a certain someone.

Her body was still warm from the...moment they shared a while ago in her prison. His room.

The sensual kisses they alloted on each other lips. The passion they both have when their bodies touched. The shivers he gave to her when his lips found its way to the mark claiming her as his. His inviting lips. The lust and desire that embossed in his eyes. The heat. His claim.

She suddenly cringed because of the things she was thinking about. Xanne couldn't believe that she enjoyed it. She felt disgusted with the image of her, moaning when his soft lips dipped in her smooth neck. It sickened her that she was feeling a strange emotions that she can't feel for him. For her, for a hunter like her, it was abominable.

So she needed to erase all of that. All.

The touch.

The kiss.

The lust.

The desire.

Their connection.

Those should be terminated in her system. That was the good thing she could do in her situation. She still needed to find her comrades. She and Hannah need to find their tactician. Lourdes. That little nerdy short-tempered snob brunette.

When she was slightly far away from Jensen, she heard a howl. Didn't seemed familiar to her but it tugged something, some place in her heart...

The howl sounded sad and it affected her. It almost made her run back to the place where she was running from. But of course, she was not that idiot to follow what her heart wanted. As long as the serum was still in her system, she's in control. The logical side of her dominates her rather than the emotional part. Which she was glad.

Roxanne knew that by this time they were trying to locate her and that made her work faster. She run as fast as she can. She jump on the blockages. She was bared feet. She couldn't let them tracked her so when she saw a lake, she didn't had a second thought and jumped straight to it.

She swam to the other side of the lake. That move would make it hard for the wolves to find her. When she was out of the lake, she was wet and cold but she ignored it for the sake of her freedom.

She was tired and her breathing getting hard and heavy. The thought of finding her blood sisters was the only thing that keeps her fighting to go on. She knows her feet were now bruised because of the stone that scratched her soles. Her clothes were slightly tore apart.

Finally, she saw the signs. A sign indicating that she was near the road. When she finally saw it, she started to walk slowly. To earn some strength to continue later.

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