Chapter Twenty: Kidnapped Again

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guys! I'm updated again... so for those who didn't vote the previous chapters...

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By the way, the first point of view was from Dess. And you'll know who had the last part's POV.


NOW Read!!!!!


Chapter Twenty: Kidnapped Again

Who the hell were these people? But I can say that they're werewolves.

"Who are you people? And I know you're werewolves!" I heard Calliver said. Yeah... I'm still slumped over his shoulder.

I thought all my blood went to my head... And.

Did he just voiced out what I thought? Wow.

The old creepy & bulky man who looked by the way as the leader of the three of them menacingly stepped forward to us. His stance looked like he was going to capture some rabbits in the forest.

Calliver put me down.

"Thanks, Cal" I sarcastically said to him while slightly shaking my head. Then I look to the three men. I changed my mode to my Hunter Lourdes Ambroise mode. The calm and serious one. Okay... The slightly serious.

"Why are you following us here, mutt....s?" I questioned.

The man laughed. The creepy one.

"We're here to kill you" It simply answered.

Calliver and I turned to each other. Our faces said it all. We laughed. Harder than the creepy man did. They growled on us.

"Oh. It's. Funny" I said between laughs. Calliver also laughed but cleared his throat after.

I stopped laughing and give the three dogs a pokerface, "Pardon that. But is that your final answer?" I joked.

"What?" The other man among the three with a beard said confused.

Slow... I thought.

"Nothing. Well as you can see we are two here" I gestured Calliver and I, " But there is only three of you. You can't win over us."

"Are you downgrading us?" Creep said. I just called the creepy man that because you know.... He is that.

"Yes, I am" I said in a bored tone.

"You bitch hunter!!!"

My left eyebrow cocked and I narrowed my eyes on him, "Bitch? Me? A bitch?" I laughed shortly, "Dear mutt, I think you are mistaken for in the dictionary it means a female dog. And I'm not a dog so It wasn't me. Maybe your whore..." I tested to make this ugly creep mad.

And he did.

He lunged towards me. Calliver proctected me. Wait? Protected me? That's new. He and his group hold a big grudge against us and vice versa. Roxanne hated his guts.


Oh no! I saw her a while ago unconcious on the ground floor. She was bleeding too. I know she was escaping together with Oisen and I hope she'll be okay. Oisen can live with a few....okay more bruises.

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