Chapter Fifteen: Short Revelations

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Chapter Fifteen: Short Revelations

Dess woke up.

She felt refreshed.

It was like she slept for so long.

Which was true by the way... But she laid in a silver comfy bed. A humungous bed. She stood up from it and noticed that the clothes she wore last time was changed into a silver flowy dress that clung elegantly on her body. Her hair seemed to be much longer than the last time she cut her hair. It flows down her butt. That was long. She observed also that her hair was no longer straight but it was flowy like the waves of the sea. She touched it and it felt so soft and smooth. Her skin color remained the same. Her features changed.

Then sudden realizations hit her. She remembered that she passed out on the woods and some unknown man came....

"How are you feeling?" the voice from behind her said that made her startled.

She looked where the voice was and saw him. A him. He looked regal and he wore a clothes suited for a royal. A royal? Tunic and surcoat? Was she in England? But that can't be because even Prince Wiliam and Harry wore no more like that. The princes usually wore business suits and et cetera. And I didn't remember having another prince. He looked so dashingly handsome for her likes.

She crunched her nose in confusion. She tilted her head from the side, arching her left eyebrow.

"Who are you?" she asked to the stranger.

The man chuckled, "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm the prince---" but she interrupted when she saw the pair of golden thick bracelets in her wrists.

The bracelets had a seal in the middle with a strange emblem.

"What the hell is this?" she touched her wrist.

"I'm ---" the man trailed.

"Wait! I don't care anymore who you are. Where am I? I need to go back" she said frantically.

"My jewel, isn't it disrespectful to interrupt someone who's trying to explain things?" he said with a grin.

"So? Hey boy, I don't care anymore who you what I said before. Disrespectful? To whom? You? I don't care and will not care. Look, tell me where's the way to go back so I can leave and do something productive."

She tried to free her wrists from the gold bracelets but it was not coming off. She heard the man in front of her laughed a bit. She glared at him.

"Where the fuck this bracelet is made? It's not coming off" she struggled to get the bracelets our of her hands.

"You can't get that off for that will be the symbol that you are mine."

Dess stopped twitching the bracelet and looked to the guy. She let out a laughed.

"Oh my god, another freaking obsessive male from the dick kingdom" she said while laughing.

The guy just looked at her in confusion.

Another? So that meant there was another... He thought.

" gotta stop this joke and go back to the custome party you went" she laughed hard because nothing explained why he was dessed up like that, "Coz I'm telling you, that it's fun no more" she stopped laughing and went back to being dead serious.

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