Chapter Three: The Alphas

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A/N: I would say it again. Most of the my chapters in my novels were written from my cellphone so I really don't know if I am alredy committing mistakes when I'm writing it. So here I am telling you that I'm really sorry for the wrong spellings and grammars.

I made some stories before this but those stories were neglected so I'm hoping that this one might given a chance.

I'm wishing that this will be a success so for who are reading this enjoy it.

Thanks by the way!

Chapter Three:

He was waiting for the other alphas to come for their urgent meeting about the hunters. Hunters are the one who always hunt them. Before, they were just a mild threat but now tables are been turned. The hunters are wiping them off and this is specifically a major threat.

Most of the alphas came and they are just waiting for the last alpha to come. He can see with his gray orbs that the alphas were irritated and then as if on cue the last one came along with his beta.

"Alpha DeWitt, you finally came", he said with a bit hint of sarcasm.

"I apologize for being late, I just run an errand", Alpha DeWitt responds.

He nodded and the other alphas accepted his apology. Alpha DeWitt sat down while his beta was standing behind him like the other betas did. He stands up and started the meeting.

"As you know the Blue Scars Pack has been wiped off", he introduced.

"We know that Alpha Hancock", an alpha said to him.

"Well the thing is, a member of their pack survived the attack but eventually she died. Before she died, she gave information", he continued.

"What did the member said to you?", another alpha said.

"There are only three hunters that attacked them".

"Three?!” the alphas chorused.

"Silence!” Alpha Hancock tapped his hand on the wooden table, "You heard right, there were only three of them".

"That's a shocking information", Alpha Dewitt commented.

"Yes, and that made us think that hunters are becoming stronger that even they were three of them they managed to kill a whole pack", he said.

"Then what we should do?” Alpha Fermin asked.

"That’s the reason why we’re here. We need to think precautionary measures to stop them".

"Also we caught hunters coming here", he added.

"What did you do?"

"We put them in a cell to gather information but they wouldn't talk", he answered.

"Then kill them", Alpha Fermin suggested.

Whispers were now surrounding the room and it took minutes for Alpha Hancock to silenced them. He cleared his throat to get their attentions. The alphas looked to him.

"I also thought of it but we need information about our enemies. Even though they're not revealing anything, we need them alive because they are just humans. They were not exactly hunters by blood. And my beta believed that they'll talk eventually", he defended.

"What if the other hunters attacked here to save them?” Alpha Garcia said.

"Then we need to prepare".

That's all he said then the alphas are constructing a plan. He was also giving ideas and after nine hours of none stop planning they decided to rest. The alphas left his pack house but some alphas stayed to spend the night. Alpha Hancock was restless since he met the shewolf from the wiped off pack. It was because the shewolf's smell had a faint scent that allured him. The shewolf is not his mate but the faint scent that lingered in her made him think that she may had a contact with his mate. But the shewolf told him that no members of the pack escaped the assault. The thought made him furious with the hunters because the mate he always waited died. When he thinks of it, his wolf wanted the hunters blood who killed his mate. The hunters in the cell would be dead by now if it wasn't because of his beta Michael who stopped him.

Michael told him that he should think logically and not emotionally. Even though he really wanted to kill them, his mother stopped him too. She reminded him to think wisely for the whole pack. So he did.

His wolf was whining in his head for he's mate. Their mate.

"Alpha", he looked behind him and found his beta.

"Michael, are the guests comfortable?", he asked.

"Yes, Alpha DeWitt and Alpha Griffith are still awake though. They're in the balcony", Michael informed him.

He nods, "Okay, I'll go inside and talk to them", he said.

"Eli, how do you feel?” his beta called him with his first name.

"Still the same", Eli said and walked inside the pack house.

He walked to the balcony and saw his friends, DeWitt and Griffith, talking with champagne in their hands. The alphas looked to him and raised their glasses.

"Hey dude"

DeWitt offered him a glass too but he passed. His friend shrugged while Griffith was drinking cooly and silently looking at the view from the balcony.

"Eli dude, look at Silva", his friend pointed to Alpha Griffith.

"Don't mind him Jensen, he's just on his moment", he teased.

Silva heard him and looked to them coolly.

"Mind your own business, especially you Jensen", Silva tells to Alpha DeWitt.

Jensen and he laughed. Then when they stopped laughing, they were covered with a deafening silence. When Silva spoke to break it.

"I feel like something different will happen from now on", he said.

"How did you know?", Eli asks him.

"My wolf just told me".

"Well, aren't your wolf a psychic?", Jensen mocked to Silva.

"Maybe", Eli said to them and grabbed Jensen's glass and drank its content.

Jensen groaned.

"So you're coming to school tomorrow?” Jensen asked.

He nodded. There are four packs attending Greendale High. The school was big enough for them. Both Jensen and Silva were studying there with him. They were all seniors.

"Oh! Did you heard that there are transferees and they are girls?” Jensen told them wiggling his eyebrows.

"You are really fast when girls are involved", Silva glared him.

"Silva, will you shut up? And besides I'm only interested with hot girls", Jensen replied.

"I know that and I'm going to Greendale tomorrow. My mom's ticking me off and I need to stop adding more absents to my records", Eli says pouring some more champagne in the glass.


[ End of Chapter Three ]

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