Chapter One: The Beginning

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Chapter One:

She watched a girl being dragged by two bulky men towards their pack house. She was spying and hiding in a tree. They can't smell her because she used a special chemical that hid her scent.

Now back to girl who has been dragged, the girl's hair sprawled on her face messily while the two men grabbed her arms forcefully. The girl didn't scream or do anything, she just struggling to walk straight. The man who had her right arm throws her to the ground.

"Are you going to kill me?" the brunette girl asked, her eyes on the ground.

"Not yet little one, the alpha must see you first" the other guys laughed evilly.

Alpha? How rogues can define themselves?

They're just bastard savages. Horrible creatures that needed to wash off.

She heard a slap. She looked again and bit her lip hard enough to draw blood but she sipped it.

"You slapped me!" the girl sounded shocked.

"So what if I slapped you? I can do anything to you. You’re just a human" the guy said.

"You are going to regret this" she sneered.

"A-huh? I can rape you now if I want to" the second man evilly said.

Then the guy walked advancing to the girl while the other looked amused but before he could touch her, an another man came. She thought that maybe this was the men addressed as their alpha.

The guy stopped and they both bowed to him.

"What did you bring now?" the alpha said.

"A human girl to feed your desires, Sir"

"A human? Hmmm...This will do" the alpha answered. The alpha walked to the girl but the girl slapped his hand. The man was now angry and tried to pull her hair but the girl catched his hand and broke it.

The two guys stood shocked for seconds but decided to launch at the girl but she stands and jumped a bit. She twirled and ran to the guy who slapped her and gave him a strong punch in the jaw.

"You! Who are you" the alpha asked the girl holding his broken arm with the unharmed arm.

"Just a girl...who'll end your pathetic savage life" the brunette informed.

Then at the tree, she saw some wolves approaching. This is their signal to show off. She jumped off the tree with a thud. A red-haired girl also jumped down from a tree and walked to her.

"Hannah, let's save Dess ass" the red head said.

"Lead the way, Xanne" I said.

The two of them ran fast to the wolves and when they were there, she noticed that some wolves were down and the alpha was shouting orders.

They jumped to the scene and find their other member. She roamed the place with her blue eyes and found the brunette fighting a dark brown wolf. She noticed another wolf on her back and warned the brunette.

"Dess! There's one on your back" she shouted.

The brunette girl slashed the dark brown wolf's throat then turned around to stab the wolf.

She turned around again and found the alpha transformed into a light brown colored wolf. It was now running towards her, she grabbed her guns on her legs loaded with the werewolves weakness. Wolfsbane.

She pulled the trigger and a loud bang rang around the grounds. The alpha wolf got hit but it still stands. She run to it and gave the wolf a strong kick on its head, it fell down. The wolf was breathing hard...

She felt another wolf coming to her but her comrade blocked it.

"Thanks Xanne" she shouted not turning around.

"No problem Hanny. The other hunters are coming now" Xanne replied.

"Good. These fucking dogs need to be wiped off" Hannah said. She's still looking to the alpha's wolf in front of her. She looked to it disgusted and for the last time she gave him the shot that killed his rubbish life.

"Dead" Hannah mumbled and walked far from the body.

She shot other wolves when the other hunters like her came and finished the other rabid dogs. When they knew that no more wolves survived, she started walk.

"I can't believe that mutt hit me" she heard the voice walking beside her. It was Dess.

"Don't pity yourself, besides you punished him for what he did to you" Hannah said to her.

"As if, maybe I should've made his death slow and agonizing" Dess pumped her fist.

"Just let it go. He's dead and your hit was really strong to make him dead" Xanne catched up.

"Thanks for your compliment, Xanne" she sarcastically scowled.

"Next time I don't want to be a decoy...ever" she added.

Hannah and Xanne just shook their heads then laughed.

They're still walking to exit the forest where the mutts lived. Now it's clean.

"You lose to our game and you agreed that whoever loses the game, she'll be the decoy. You did lose you know" Hannah reminded Dess flipping her jet black hair to the left side.

"Whatever! And that was not even a game" Dess scowled.

"Now that our mission is finished and the other hunters are cleaning the mess, do you want to go clubbing?" red haired Xanne asked them.

"Sorry, but I'll pass. I need to finish my new invention" Dess said smiling.

"You know, you're really obsessed to that! You need to cool off" Xanne persuaded.

"Obsessed? Because of my 'obsession' you wouldn't hide your scent to those dogs and if not because of this obsession, we wouldn't be able to finish them" Dess says running her fingers to her hip-length chestnut hair.

"Whoa! Fine, no need to be angry" Xanne says then turned to Hannah.

"Sorry, Xanne. I can't because I need to report to him" Hannah explained.

"Well,I may not go too" Xanne sadly said.

"Maybe next time if our schedules are not full" Hannah assured to her. Xanne gave her a smile to tell that she appreciate it.

"Okay, I'm just going to rest back to our place. When you come back, cook our dinner." Xanne informed them.

"I will" Hannah replied.

When they reached the road, they hop to their cars and went to their own ways.

Dess going to the Lab Research Facility.

Xanne going to apartment.

And Hannah, who's going to the Head Office.

Yes! The three of them are hunters.

Werewolf hunters to be exact.






Mission: Take Down AlphasDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora