Chapter 19 | Just A Dream

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  [Reader's P.O.V]

I've been sitting in my room for hours now. Timothy and Sarah are with me. They're asleep on my bed while I'm sitting next to my desk.

 I'm trying my best not to think about what happened earlier with Matt and the others. They were joking, right? It can't be possible that they'd do that. But if they do, I'll have to protect myself and the kids. Hopefully, Timothy's and Sarah's parent will pick them up soon. 

My door suddenly creaked open. My eyes immediately darted to the door, where I saw Oliver peeking through with his bright blue eyes. Wait, didn't I tell him to leave? 

 "P-poppet," he stuttered. "Yes?" I asked, getting a little bit cautious."I'm sorry about the drama earlier... Here I got you a cupcake to make up for it!" He said handing a blue frosted cupcake to me. I stared at him cautiously. What if there's something in this cupcake? 

 I gulped in fear. "Don't worry, everything will be fine after you eat this." he said reassuringly. It sounded like something you'd here from 'Alice in Wonderland' but if this cupcake would fix everything, I have to try it! Surely Oliver won't try to hurt me. 

 "Thanks," I said as I examined the cupcake. I took a bite of it and I started feeling nauseous. 


I woke up in a startle. Was everything just a bad dream? I noticed Sarah and Timothy were still sleeping soundly next to me too. 

I got up and my head started hurting. Ugh, how long was I asleep? I made my way downstairs where everything was surprisingly in order. Maybe it was all just a dream. The living room was a wreck earlier but now it seems like nothing happened. 

 Oliver, Allen, Matthew, and Francois were sitting on the living room couch having a talk. 

 "H-hey, guys..." I stuttered. They greeted me back."Why do you look so scared, doll?" Allen asked. "Saw a spider in your room?" he added with a small chuckle."No, it's just that I had a weird dream." I said sitting on the couch with them. 

 "Well, you woke up from your nightmare just in time, poppet!" Oliver quickly said. "Huh?" I muttered in confusion."We're going to the beach!" Allen said. I looked at them in surprise. "Why the sudden trip?" I asked. The four stared at each other."We just thought that it would be fun, it's summer after all..." Matt spoke up. 

 "So when are we going?" I asked."Right now," they said in unison.Before I could say anything Timothy ran downstairs and dragged me upstairs while sticking his tongue out at Matt. He said he had a nightmare or something. "I'll just pack up already," I told the guys. 


The sudden trip sure did surprise me, but luckily the trip wouldn't take too long. The beach is only two hours away.I quickly packed what I needed: clothes, swimming clothes, money, a hygiene kit, more clothes and of course my favorite snacks. I blushed a bit while packing my swimsuit since I just realized I'm going with a bunch of boys.I was still packing when the door bell rang. I ran downstairs but Matt answered it before I could. 

 "Who're you?" he asked the woman at the door."I'm here to pick up Timothy and Sarah." she replied politely."Oh you're going to take the annoying little kid back." Matt remarked. I smacked him on the arm."I'm not annoying!" Timothy suddenly said. It turns out he and his sister were hiding behind me the whole time."You sneaky little-" Matt muttered while trying to get Timothy. I picked up Timothy and he suddenly jumped onto Matt's back. 

 "Mom, I don't want to go home yet!" Timothy whined while pulling Matt's hair. "I'm still needed for this Timothy X Reader!" he continued."Get out of here, it's a Matt X Reader!" Matt said pulling Timothy off of him. 

 "GUYS THE FREAKING FOURTH WALL! IT'S DEMOLISHED AND SOMEONE JUST FIXED IT USING DUCT TAPE!  SERIOUSLY I'M GETTING TIRED OF THIS!" I yelled."It's your fault!" Matt and Timothy yelled at each other."I'm sorry about this." I apologized to Timothy's mother."Oh it's alright, Tim can be quite naughty sometimes." Timothy's mom said. 

"Anyways, kids, we have to go." She continued."I'll be back, [name]!" Timothy said and then kissed me on the cheek. "Also be careful here. These people are scary!" he said as he followed his mother and Sarah out of the house. I suddenly got reminded of my 'supposed' nightmare. It wasn't real, right? Timothy probably was just talking about Matt. 

 Matt pulled me out of my train of thought when he shut the door close and sighed in relief. "I'm glad that's over..." he remarked."I never thought you would be rivals with a nine-year-old. I ship it." I said with a smirk. "I don't even want to know what goes on in your head." He said before making his way back to his room. "It's not anything bad, y'know!" I yelled.Now I just have to get ready for the trip.  

Once Upon a Summer [2p Canada x Reader] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now