Chapter 24 | Kidnapped

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[Reader's P.O.V]

The feeling that we were being watched was growing stronger. For some reason, where I stood felt really uncomfortable. Also adding to that weird feeling was the fact that we were in an almost empty street.

Matt and I were in the middle of a conversation when I just couldn't stand the weird feeling and sprinted ahead of Matt. "Let's have a race, Matt!" I exclaimed then stuck out my tongue. "Whoever wins gets more ice cream!" I continued. At that point, Matt looked like he was up for the challenge. I was waiting for him to catch up to me, so we could have a fair fight (though I really wanted to cheat). Suddenly, a man passing by me grabbed my shoulder and put handkerchief over my nose.

Crud. I shouldn't have strayed away from Matt.

I instinctively tried to pull away at the first second, but it wasn't working. He wasn't letting go of me, and after a few seconds, whatever anaesthetic that was in the handkerchief was starting to take effect. I continued struggling while I watched Matt try to fight off other men who were apparently helping my kidnapper. The last thing I saw before losing consciousness was Matt getting stopped when my kidnapper pulled a knife to my neck.


I woke up with my head and cheek hurting. I was tied to a chair in a dark place. I was still barely awake for five seconds when I heard coughing. I focused on what was in front of me and my eyes widened at what I saw; Matt was on the floor, face first, with bruises and cuts all over his body. His hands were tied too.

"M-Matt?" I muttered shakily at the coughing figure. Why is he like that?! Shouldn't he be tied to a chair too? I struggled to break my hand free to help him, but to no avail. "[n-name]?" he stuttered my name. His voice sounded tired.

"What happened? Why are you on the ground?" I asked. "I wasn't going to let them get to you," he said. Wait, so that means that he's like that because he was protecting me?

Matt scoffed. "Are you alright?" he asked. I was sure I had a bruise on my cheek, but it wasn't anything compared to his injuries. "I'm fine. I'm perfectly fine." I said. My eyes started welling up in tears. "I'm sorry... We were kidnapped, then you got beaten up, and all I did was fall asleep." I apologized. I was shivering in fear. I just felt so weak.

"You could say you were a real kid napping, eh?" Matt said with a sly smile on his face.


I glared at Matt who was obviously trying to hide a laugh. "What? You were being too dramatic," he said between laughs. "That pun makes me happy that you're bleeding right now." I muttered ominously. Matt continued laughing. What is wrong with this guy?! We're in a kidnapping situation right now!

"You act like this is normal." I sighed. Maybe it is normal for him. His lifestyle is pretty dark, after all.

I started looking at my surroundings. This dark place was actually just a really old tailoring store. The wood that the place was made of was rotting, and there were sewing machines and needles everywhere. Now that I notice it, there was a lot of commotion going on outside. "Got any plans to get out?" I asked while looking for my body bag. I must have my Swiss Army knife in there. "GOSH DANG IT! THEY STOLE MY BAG!" I yelled, surprising Matt. "Calm down, chickadee. Allen's coming for us." Matt said. "He should've come for us before we got kidnapped then." I muttered angrily. "I left a clue for Allen to find out where we are. He's probably the one causing trouble out there right now." Matt said. I sighed in relief. At least now we're going to be saved.

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