Author's Note: Book Cover [Edited]

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CrazyLilGirl: Hello everyone! Welcome to this voting stadium where we are going to vote for a new cover!

Noire: Don't expect it to be "professional" because she sucks at editing. Well, both of us. Right now, we made a new cover! It sucks like the current one.

CrazyLilGirl: Feel free to send me covers if you feel like making one. We won't stop you, because we might need it.

Noire: is the cover picture!

CrazyLilGirl: I despise myself for making that! GAH! 

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CrazyLilGirl: I despise myself for making that! GAH! 

Noire: Here is another entry by CrazyLilGirl!  The only reason why the picture is the same because it's good quality fan art! Well, she said that...

Noire: So, state in the comments if you want this cover, the old cover, or your own cover! 

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Noire: So, state in the comments if you want this cover, the old cover, or your own cover! 

CrazyLilGirl: Please comment and make us not feel like we are ignored for once :v

Noire: The voting will end in a week. Today is Wednesday sooo...


Noire: WHAT?! NO!

CrazyLilGirl: That sucks...balls...

Noire: soo next Wednesday...June 1 2016.

CrazyLilGirl: We will be looking forward for your votes and stuff!


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