Author's Note: Second Book

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TheCrazyLittleGirl20: Oh hey! Okay, okay, so this is just going to be a quick one since I have to update another book. 

We have decided to make the Second book, who knows when, but we'll get to it. BUT WE HAVE TO MAKE A DEAL WITH YOU GUYS! If we are going to make the second book, you'll have to agree, that we'll only update ONCE a week. Specifically Saturday and or Sunday. Why?

Well, school have started and you know what'll happen. We'll get busy, and blah blah blah. Since we were like "We need to study hard!" We have to focus on our studies. 

We might skip one week or two, depending on the tests and/ or project in hand.

So don't start complaining on why we did not update at that week or something. You guys asked for book 2, we will give you book 2.

Now, goodbye because I really need to go to the bathroom. bye!

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