Chapter 14 | Meet My Brother...

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TheCrazyLittleGirl20: Thank you for 2k reads!

Noire_08: And we hope you stick with us until the end!


[Reader's POV]

I struggled while my feet were still getting dragged. I kicked and tried to shake off the hands of whoever or whatever that was dragging me. When I realized my efforts seemed to be futile, I decided to sit up and punch whoever it was who was dragging me. My punch worked and the grip on my feet loosened. I kicked the millisecond I felt the grip on my feet loosen and I quickly started running without any hesitation.

"Come back here!" I heard a deep voice from behind while I ran. It was probably the person I punched earlier. It wasn't long before I heard his footsteps getting closer to me. Well, crap. He's started chasing me.

I ran fast, which was a good thing, but this guy runs faster than me so he could easily catch up with me. I continued running despite how tired my feet were or how out of breath I was. I was getting close to the exit of the alleyway, there's no way I'm about to stop. I heard him pant from behind. Good, he's getting tired and I'm so close to the exit.

"I told you to stop!" I heard him say just before I was able to get out of the alleyway. Something suddenly hit my back. I fell to the floor because of the pain and the baseball bat that was thrown at me fell next to me. I was outside of the alleyway but I don't think it mattered. The person who was chasing me finally caught up with me.

Crud... I'm gonna die..

"Wait, you're not one of 'em!" I heard him say. I looked up to the person who was towering in front of me. It was a boy around my age, he was wearing a jacket over a dirty white shirt and he wore jeans, a cowlick was sticking out of his messy dark brown hair and his eyes were covered by his dark shades. I watched him cuss as I tried to get up. Eventually, I was able to get up and he was still distracted looking around for someone else. "Or maybe she is one of them..." He muttered to himself.

I was about to make a run for it but he pinned me to the wall next to me. "Do you know those men earlier?" He asked me. "They attacked me the other day..." I said weakly. My stab wounds were starting to hurt because I was being pinned to the freaking wall. "So you're not one of them then... Listen, don't you dare tell anyone of what happened here. Okay, doll?" He said threateningly. I gulped and nodded. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes. No... I can't die yet! "I won't t-tell anyone... P-please let m-me go..." I managed to stutter. My voice was starting to break.

Luckily, he let go of me. He turned away from he and he was distracted looking for someone again. I took the opportunity to take the baseball bat from the floor. If I hit him hard enough he might pass out. I gathered all my strength and hit him over the head with the baseball bat. He fell to the floor but he was still conscious. He stood up again and we ended up fighting each other. Luckily, I had the baseball bat to protect myself with.

[Matt's P.O.V]

Chickadee was to taking too long to get home so I decided to go fetch her. Jeez, is it really that hard to walk from the hospital to the house? She's so lazy. Or maybe the stab wounds are just too painful for her to walk... It doesn't matter since I'm gonna fetch either way.

I left Kuma at the house this time so he doesn't have to walk again. I was walking peacefully until I came near the alleyway where I stopped on my tracks. [Name] was in a fight with someone. Though the one she was fighting with looked familiar.

[Reader's P.O.V]

Things aren't going great for me. He's much stronger than me and I'm losing. Crap. This was a bad idea. He was about to punch me again before I heard Matt yell. "Allen!" Matt yelled with much anger in his voice. Matt's yelling didn't stop my opponent from punching me and I fell to the floor. My opponent turned away from me and turned to Matt.

"'Sup, Matt?" He said nonchalantly.

Wait, what?!

Matt punched him in the face before he could say anything else. "What the f*ck do you think you're doing?!" Matt asked. He laughed and punched Matt back.

"Such a terrible way to greet your own brother." He said. Wait... Brother?! Matt didn't mind the punch given to him and instead he helped me up.

"Whoa, you know that doll?" He asked Matt with disbelief evident in his voice. "She sure is feisty!" He commented.

"What the hell were you doing fighting [name]?" Matt asked him.

I watched in awe and disbelief as the two continued to talk. These two know each other?! Just like how Matt knew Luciano and Flavio! And the other dude even said that Matt was his brother!

"Matt, what the f*ck is going on?!" I asked. Matt turned to me and sighed.

"[name], meet my brother, Allen." Matt said. I looked at Matt with disbelief even though both have claimed to be brothers. I then stared at Allen who had a mischievous grin on.

In the end we came home bringing Allen with us despite my disapproval. I ended up patching myself up and Allen too. Matt excused himself and went to the living room to call my parents and tell them about my injury.

I can't believe I'm patching up the guy who tried to kill me.

"Well, you tried to kill me too." Allen said. Oops, I said that out loud again.

"I was trying to make you pass out or at least give you a concussion!" I said and threw the ice bag I was holding at Allen's head.

"It looks like you're still trying." He said while he took the ice bag and put it on his head. "Too bad you're too weak." He continued.

I was about to say something but the door suddenly burst open.

"OH MY BUTTERSCOTCH, I'M SO SORRY FOR WHAT ALLEN DID!" Said one of the people who burst the door open.


Word Count: [1068]


Reader: *was being pulled*

Reader: *stood up and ran*

???: *chased after her*

Reader: OUCHIE!


Allen: F*ck this sh*t I'm out!

???: SORREH!

TheCrazyLittleGirl20: Sorry for not drawing the media because my (stranger) cousin is staying here for about, I dunno, May? So I have to look after her and RAGE myself inside. Don't even ask... SHE BROKE MY FAVORITE MECHANICAL PENCIL T^T Okay, bye :3 That's not the only thing I am mad at so yeah...

Once Upon a Summer [2p Canada x Reader] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now