Author's Note: THE BOOK IS OUT!

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A little note from Pancake Queen a.k.a Matt Williams and happy late birthday!

"Where did my surprise from this one chapter go?? :("

Us:..... Uhm.........

"Then..... *leans closer to your face*"

".....I think I have to....get something what's mine...."

10 minutes later...

"You're so good!"

Us: *wipes white stuff off of your face*

"These pancakes are so delicious! Though you might want to clean that batter off of your face."

Nomnomnom yum yum.

Then everyone enjoyed pancakes. The end!


Oh, hey! We're back with another book to the series. Because, why the hell not XD

THANK YOU FOR LITERALLY 10K READS! I mean, WHAT THE F*CK?!? We have never imagined that we would actually get 10k in 7 months? I mean, I'm....We're really surprised that you guys really like this book. We only made this for sh*t and giggles and....welp....We are really greatful for wasting your time just to red our crappy books!

Now, school has been good....for now...

We don't get stressed or anything, yet.

But seriously, they are already giving the projects and welp, FUDGE D:

Well, you guys won't care anyway so imma just put the link


Once Upon a Summer [2p Canada x Reader] [Completed]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ