Chapter 20 | All An Act

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[Reader's POV]

I finally was able to pack up all the stuff I needed and I started carrying my luggage down the stairs.

"Need any help?" Matt asked once he saw me struggling with my luggage. "Nope. I'm fine..." I said before I completely tripped and fell down the floor. "Of course I had to fall." I said laughing at my own stupidity. "You're really clumsy today, eh?" Matt remarked. "I know." I replied while laughing. "Anyways I'm going to go put my stuff in the car." Matt said before leaving. Wait, we have a car? It must be Oliver's or something.

I was still dragging my bags when I heard Oliver call me. "[name], we're about to leave!" he said. I started hurrying when I heard a car start. "I'm coming!" I yelled.

I stubbed my toe on the living room table while I was walking. "Gosh darn it," I muttered before I continued to walk. But I noticed that there was a small crack on the living room table that wasn't there before. Weird, I could've sworn that broke in my nightmare.

"[name], if you don't go here right now, I swear we're going to f*cking leave you!" I heard Allen say. "I'm coming!" I yelled again.

After that, we were finally able to start our trip. It was a fun trip for a trip that only lasted for only two hours. We were just jamming to songs I learned that Matt and Allen memorized A Thousand Miles, no joke and randomly getting road rage. The only downside was that I got motion sickness after lunch and I almost puked on Matt.


We finally made it to the beach and Francois even booked us in a hotel. Looks like we're going to be staying here for a while. Not that I have any problem with it, the beach is awesome. The weird thing is that I have to share a room with the guys which is kind of awkward. I mean, the room is big and there are enough beds for all of us, but I'm the only girl in the group.

Well, there isn't really anything to be weirded out about now, isn't there? I practically was living with them. It's just like were in the house except the house is smaller and were closer to the beach.

"[name], let's go outside!" Oliver said and started dragging me outside. I quickly grabbed my bag that contained my swimsuit and other important things before we went out.

When we got outside it was scorching hot, well, figuratively, and the beach was filled with people trying to cool off. I guess the summer heat is getting a little bit too strong. We all changed into our swimwear and after I changed I was left behind by the guys. They probably already went to the water. I'll find them anyhow, they're a very noticeable bunch.

"What're you wearing?" Allen said, suddenly coming out of nowhere.

"What the heck are you doing randomly showing up?" I asked.

"Ollie told me to go back for you, slowpoke."

"Oh... Anyways I'm wearing my totally non-revealing swimsuit." I said, answering his earlier question. I gestured to my swimsuit that covered my torso paired with shorts.

"Doesn't suit ya."

"You expect me to wear a two piece or something?"

"Well, you'd look better in one. Like this," he said, pulling out a red two piece swimsuit.

"Where the heck did you get that?!" I asked in surprise.

"I may or may not have a plan to get the others drunk and get one of 'em to wear this." he answered with a mischievous grin.

"Save that thing for your prank then," I told him.

"What are you two talking about, eh?" Matt suddenly came.

"Nothing, Matt." Allen said while trying to hide a laugh. He quickly hid the swimsuit he had behind him.

"Let's go," Matt said dragging me away while Allen just followed. "You look good in that. You don't need to change." Matt added, muttering it silently. I laughed knowing that he heard the whole conversation and knows about the prank.

After that we proceeded to have fun! Being in the water was a great idea to cool off. Oliver made us snacks, Allen and I had a sand castle competition (we had a lot more competitions than that, actually), we played beach volleyball, we played water sports and we had to run away from Matt's fangirls. Matt unsurprisingly has a lot of fangirls, which I'm not happy about to be honest. Luciano and Flavio were coincidentally at the beach too and it was kind of weird since they tried to act like they were close friends with Matt and his brothers. They ended up fighting.

We were probably the noisiest in the whole beach, but the guys didn't seem to care. We were all tired when we got back to the hotel, where the boys still continued their fun by drinking. Pretty soon Allen was drunk and wearing the swimsuit he was going to prank the others with. I laughed while shielding my eyes from the terrible sight but that didn't stop me from giving Matt a small fist bump.

In the end Matt and I were the only ones awake. Somehow we were able to stay up later than the others and we ended up watching movies. Matt was leaning his head on my shoulder, which is surprising, but I kept still so that he wouldn't be uncomfortable. The thing is, this kind of position really seem right between the both of us. Whenever we're near each other my heart just feels so happy or something.

Matt suddenly stood up. "Where are you going?" I asked.

"Getting some water."

"I'm coming, I want some too."

I stood up and followed him to the kitchen. Matt poured us both a glass of water and we sat there for a while just chatting.

"This entire beach trip was tiring, I can't wait to go home." I said after yawning.

"I can't wait to end this act too."

I furrowed my eyebrows, my 'iggybrows'. "Act?" I muttered questioningly.

"T-that's not what I meant." Matt stuttered.

I frowned, my thoughts finally reaching a conclusion. "My nightmare wasn't a dream, was it?" I said. Matt slowly nodded, approving that what I thought was true. I've been seeing some similarities from my 'supposed' dream and I've been wondering if it's possible that it was all true. Turns out it actually was true. My eyes started to water.

"We didn't want you to freak out and we also didn't want to hurt you so we decided to try to make you believe it was a dream. We hid all the evidence of our fight and brought you to this trip to take your mind off it. I'm sorry we had to do this..." Matt explained.

"So, since I found out, aren't you supposed to kill me?" I asked.

Matt got a banana from the table and pointed it at me like a gun. "You're not telling anyone." he said. I tried to keep a straight face, I hate Matt for making me laugh at a serious moment.

"P-put down the weapon..." I said as I raised my hands, going with the act. Matt put down the banana and we both laughed.

At that moment I was confused. How can someone like Matt be a murderer. He's sweet and funny once you get to know him. He might not show it much, but he's a nice person. This is the same for all the others. They're all nice and good on the inside.

"But seriously [name], I don't want to hurt you." Matt suddenly said.

"I'm not going to tell anyone, Matt..." I said. "But I will try to make you be a good person." I continued before hugging him. Matt hugged me tight, which I didn't expect, but we stayed like that for a while.

"You guys don't have to have your weapons ready anymore." I also said to the others who were spying on us the whole time. Yes, I knew they were there the whole time.

"I'm so sorry, poppet!" Oliver said before joining in the hug. He also pulled Allen and Francois into the hug.

Once Upon a Summer [2p Canada x Reader] [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora