Chapter 13 | Pancake Queen

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Noire_08: Okay, now we're done screwing around, it's time for an ACTUAL REAL chapter :D This is totally not a troll. Anyways, enjoy!(。>ω<)。

TheCrazyLittleGirl20: Again, sorry for no color. I'm just busy being lazy :D Just think that my OC is you since I wanted to illustrate what the scene is going on about.


  [Reader's P.O.V.]

 The first thing that I woke up to was a repetitive beeping sound.


Huh? What's that sound?

 Where is it coming from?

The sound continued to repeat over and over again..

It sounds familiar, somehow.

 "....wake...soon..." I suddenly heard a voice...

 Who's that?

And I was kind of surprised to hear a slamming sound.

My curiosity was getting to me and I opened my eyes, ending the comfortable state I was in earlier. The first thing my blurry eyes were able to see we're the colors yellow and violet... Violet? Yep. Definitely violet.

"Chickadee?" I heard. I looked at what was in front of me a bit more and inched closer and I finally recognized him. "Matt...?" He sighed in relief. I probably got him worried. I looked around and saw Kuma looking at me with those eyes of his that were probably saying 'Sorry'.

I smiled at Kuma and motioned for him to come to me. He looked at me sadly. I just chuckled and patted his head. He just looks so sad. Probably because of what happened last night...last night? What time is it now anyway?

Kuma and Matt just stared at me while I continued my train of thought. I examined their faces a little and I just noticed it now, they look a little bit alike. I'm not saying that Matt is also cute! He is ugly! Super ugly that I am gonna barf.

"Then don't look at me then." I heard Matt say. Sh*t. I think I accidentally said that out loud. Oops... My bad. "Wait, Matt...!" I was surprised when he stood up and went to the door. My eyes widened and I blushed. I can't believe I am gonna say this to him...

"Yo, Drama Queen! I....Just come 'ere." He looked at me with annoyance evident in his look. He suddenly smirked. He came back to me and leaned his face close to me. "Say it." I shook my head. His face leaned closer to mine once more. His face is so close to mine! It's like 2 centimeters away from me. "Say it.." I just blushed.

Anyone getting confused? Well, HE wanted me to call him.... erm... ahm....


 I pushed his face away from me but before I even got a chance, he grabbed my wrist and pinned me on the bed."Say it..." I was literally red as Antonio's tomatoes....wait.. who is Antonio? For some reason I imagine a dude with a bunch of tomatoes and an amazing ass. I just shook my head.

"There is no way I'm going to say it!" He leaned it a little bit closer. Before he was about to speak, I heard I gasp from somewhere. Both of us looked at the door and saw the doctor and nurse, with their surprised faces.

"Mr. Williams! Ms. [last name]! What do you think you're doing?!" The doctor looked at us weirdly. Matt pulled away and just grumbled under his breath. "What was that?" Matt just stood up and went out as he slammed the door. The doc just sighed and went up to me. 

"Ms.[last name]. The stab marks aren't that serious. Although, please refrain from getting stabbed like that." He sighed as he wrote something on his chart. "Sorry, doc. Not gonna happen again." He nodded and we talked and talked. 

Finally, about 25 minutes, he discharged me. All I need to do is find Matt and we can go home. I grabbed my phone to text Matt.

[text conversation]

Maple Queen [A.k.a. Matt Williams]

Me: Yo, drama queen, wru?!

Maple Queen: I f*ckin went home already. Just take the shortcut there somewhere.

Me: Are you f*cking kidding me?!

Maple Queen: Don't freakin whine about it. I'm the one who paid for your hospital bills.

Me: F*ck you.

[end of conversation]

I sighed. I shouldn't have given him my extra phone. I'm so going to kill him when I get home. I'm gonna steal all his maple syrup and hide it for 1 month or more. Although, I like the name I given him. 'Maple Queen'. Because of 2 things. His love for Maple and his long flowing hair.

When I finally saw the alleyway, I put my phone back in my pocket and just walked there. While I was walking by, I heard a shrill scream.It was very dark in the alleyway but I saw some silhouettes, the silhouettes of four people to be exact. 

I walked closer to the silhouettes and saw some familiar faces. They were the guys who stabbed me in the carnival! I saw them fall to the ground. The 'master' of the group crawled up to me and begged for me to 'stop that thing'. 

"No! No! NO!" Then he got pulled back to the darkness.I got a bit scared so I turned my back and tried to get to where I came from. 

I regretted on coming to that alleyway. I was about to run away but...

I felt someone pulled my feet. I tried to grab the post but he was too strong for me.

In the end, I got pulled into the darkness...


Word Count: [916]


Reader: *in hospital*

Matt: *got worried*

Reader: *accidentally said that Matt is ugly that she could barf*

Matt: *became drama queen*

Reader: *got sorry*

Matt: *leaned closer to the face of reader* Say it.

Reader: *blush*

Doc:*comes in* EWW

Matt:*left you*

Reader: *pulled into the darkness* 

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