Anime is Getting Banned?! | Authors' Note

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Please see the photo above before reading this :)

Jas-chan: Hi guys, so this is not an update but I feel like I should repost this.

Noire: What's that?

Jas-chan: This is about anime..

Noire: Oh! That's great the---

Jas-chan: Being banned!!

Noire: What?! What happened?!?

Jas-chan: Just read the photo above

*Noire starts reading it*

Noire: What?! This is just insane! Why would they do that?

Jas-chan: We must repost this to every social network and media!

Noire: Let's goooooo!

Jas-chan: Reposting instructions are on the pic lol derpz


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