Chapter 10 | Haunted House?!

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[Reader's P.O.V.]

It was exactly three o'clock when Matt and I made it to the amusement park. I was actually surprised that we made it on time. 

I practically had to drag Matt all the way since he had this entire problem about wanting to come or not. When I told him we were going to leave he said he won't come, when I told him I'd go without him he said he'd go, and when we were about to leave he suddenly changed his mind. I decided that I'd just drag him all the way there. 

Luciano and Flavio were at the gate paying for some tickets when we got there.Before I could go and greet, the two Matt grabbed my wrist, stopping me from moving. 

"How do you even know those two?" He asked. His purple eyes met mine and gave me an intense glare. For some reason, Matt was really serious."I met them when I was a kid. They've been my friends ever since. We haven't been able to talk lately. What's your problem with them anyways?" I made sure to make my statements fast so I could ask Matt my question.Matt looked like he had a lot to tell me but he turned away then sighed. 

"It's nothing..." He said before he started walking ahead of me. I shrugged and followed him."Luci, Flavi!" I exclaimed when the two Italians noticed Matt and I coming."You're a bit late." Luciano said. I gave an apologetic smile. "Sorry 'bout that." I apologized."Anyways, let's go!!!" Flavio said and dragged me inside the carnival. Luciano and Matt followed behind us.

"So, what do you guys want to do first?" I asked when we stopped near the food stalls."Maybe we should go to the horror house?" Luciano suggested. Flavio shivered a bit while Matt just stood there. 

"Ahh, sure! Let's go!" I said and started making my way to the horror house. To be honest, I'm not afraid of these kind of things since they're so obviously trying to scare me. The only reason I want to come is to see those guys pee their pants in fear. I know, It's kind of mean, but whatever.

Luckily, when we got there, there weren't a lot of people waiting in line. We easily got in. The inside of the horror house looked like any standard horror house would look like. It was poorly lit with fake blood smeared onto practically everything. 

It was a twisty path full of random cobwebs and trap doors that would open to reveal some kind of 'monster' and of course you could hear the screams of either the 'monsters' or the people inside.We were inside for about five minutes when all the lights turned off. 

I felt Flavio grab my hand and I hugged him in surprise."AHH!!!"We were all shocked to hear the scream of a 'monster' that popped up from nowhere."What the fuck?!" Matt muttered and punched the 'monster'.

"Not cool, dude!" The 'monster' said while it held onto its bloody nose. All the lights turned back on and everybody else inside the horror house were confused. 

All five of us, including the 'monster' were taken to the office of the manager of the amusement park."We're very sorry!" I apologized on behalf of everyone. The guys were just too childish to say anything so, I told them to wait outside the office while I spoke to the manager and the employee Matt hit. Luckily, in the end, the manager let us off with a warning and the random employee forgave us.

"IDIOT!" I yelled at Matt when I got out of the office. Matt's expression didn't change. "It was only in self-defense." He told me. I couldn't help but kick him where the sun doesn't shine. Hmph, serves him right.


Word Count: [635]

Author's Note: Sorry for not drawing this media, like I said, I lost my stylus. But I will try to draw from my sketchpad and stuff.

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