Chapter 21 | Matt, Notice Me!

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[Reader's P.O.V]

All of us started packing when the next day came. I giggled at the thought that Mattie threatened me with a banana. Oh, Mattie. Matt saw me giggling like a maniac so he raised his eyebrow up. "What are you laughing at? I mean, you look like a psycho." I playfully punched Mattie on the shoulder. We laughed awhile, then slowly stopped and became an awkward silence."Let's just... finish packing." I agreed with him and started packing my things.

I wiped the sweat off of my forehead. To be honest, it was tough work. Why can't I just lay around while Matt do all the stuff? "Poppet!" Oliver called out. I wonder what's wrong. I motioned for Oliver to come in. He is acting...strange. I just shrugged it off and smiled at the Brit. "What is it Ollie?" He played with fingers while looking at the ground. "Uh...well..." He blushed. I wonder what's that about.

"Uhm, you see... I was wondering is you...." He pretty much covered his face with his vest. Now I'm really curious. I held his hand, making him let go of his vest. Both of us had a mini staring contest but he then broke it. He just blushed while looking at the window. Does he...? No, that's impossible. I mean, how could someone like the likes of me? He breathed in deeply and finally got some courage. "[name]!" I jumped the sudden outburst.  "Can we go on a DATE?" My jaws dropped. How? Do you want to see this ugly face of mine all day?! I thought to myself.

He stared at me while I was freaking out, waiting for an answer. I sighed and looked at him. "Sure. What time?" His eyes widen and jumped to hug me, making both of us fall to the ground. "Thank you!" He repeated about 10 times. I laughed and stood up, gently pushing him away. "Now, I have to go." I opened the door and saw Mattie leaning on the door. "Matt? What are you doing here?" He scoffed then stomped his way to his room. I wonder what's wrong with him?


We already go home but Matt was acting strange. He wasn't talking to me.I tried talking to Matt a lot of times already but he was...ignoring me? Why? Is it something I did? I slowly walked over to Matt, who was just sitting on the couch. I slowly sat next to him, scooting over a little bit over to him. He was about to stand up until I grabbed his hand, making him stop. He didn't even bother to turn around to look at me. Now this is getting annoying.

"Matt, what is wrong with you?!" My blood began to boil in anger. I was always used to Matt getting my attention, now, the tables have turned. He just clicked his tongue and pulled his arm.  I felt tears forming in my eyes. I hung my head low, letting my bangs cover my eyes. "I-I see..." I huffed and went to the kitchen where Oliver is.

As I was inside the kitchen, I dropped to my knees and sobbed quietly. Oliver immediately went to comfort me. I know, cliché, but...I just want Matt to notice me again...


"I'll be going out." Matt said and slammed the door on his way out. I jumped at the sudden slam and watched him go. I wonder where is he going? I decided to get my [fav color] coat and pulled the hood on my head. I have to follow him. I thought as I escaped through my window. It's not that high so I survived.

I quickly, but silently, followed Matt. It was like I was a ninja! He slowly made his way through the park. Why is he going there? As I was staring at him for a complete 25 minutes, a...girl? Yeah...a...girl. I glared at the random girl. Is this what Matt felt when Timothy is here? Probably. But this is different. He is with a full grown woman.

I watched them have a conversation and laugh for a few minutes, making me...what do they call this? Jealous? Yeah. That. I thought he...he...

Both of them then started to walk somewhere. I huffed and gave up. He probably got tired of me and went with that girl. I mumbled to myself as I went back home, not knowing who the girl was. She looked familiar to me.


[Matt's P.O.V.]

"So, [name] likes [fav food]." Jasmin, [name]'s cousin from Chapter 2, said some interests and what [name] likes to me. You might have forgotten her, like what Author-chan did. "Then she likes to [hobby] and [hobby2]." It was pretty much a surprise that she supports me. I hummed in responce, letting her know that I was listening. She smiled at me and chuckled.

"Finally, my baby girl is going to have a man by his side!" She squealed, while I was looking weirdly at her. "But I don't know if she would actually wants to." I replied with a sigh, losing hope. "Oh don't be silly, you're pretty much her type." She held my hand, staring at me with a serious look.

"If you hurt her one bit, you will have to answer to me!" I gulped, remembering what I did to [name] earlier. "Did you?" I slowly nodded, waiting for the consequences. I could kill her, but I don't at the same time. She sighed. "I will let you off with a warning, okay?" I sighed in relief. I thought she would change her mind."Oh lookie! She would like this!" Then Jasmin went off, pulling me in some stores.

--- Bonus Content ---

[At the part before Matt was leaning on the wall while Oliver asks [name] out]

[Matt's P.O.V.]

This is it. I'm finally going to confess to [name]. No turning back now, I guess. I walked towards [name]'s room. I reached my hand out and was about to know when I heard a familiar voice. "Can we go on a date?" That voice...I think it belongs to Oliver.

There was a long pause before [name] responded. "Sure , what time?" I felt my heart shatter into a bazillion pieces. I-I-I... I heard footsteps going right to the door. I freaked out and decided to just lean on the wall and act cool. The door swung open, revealing a beautiful [name] with a 'what-are-you-doing-here' look.

I sighed. Just when I was about to ask her to be my... it just backfired! "Matt, What are you doing here?" [name] asked with her eyebrow raised up. I didn't know what to do so I did what was first on my mind. I just scoffed and ignored her, walking away....

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