Chapter 27 | Catastrophe

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[Reader's P.O.V]

It's hard to believe what's happening right now. I'm in a house full of psychopaths, who are now my friends, I guess. My parents were... They had a serious fight, and my mother couldn't do anything. Somehow, the Kuro and Lutz guys solved that, and they're Matt's friends. Then, someone recognized my friends were killers, and I got dragged with them in hiding from the police. The police might even think I'm a hostage or something!

GAH! Everything's so confusing! It all doesn't make sense. Ever since summer started, things got crazier and crazier. I don't even know how I managed to cope with the fact that I'm living with killers. Maybe it's because I care about them. They don't just kill for no reason, right? If they did, I would be dead by now.

I sat up from my bed and massaged my forehead. I'm thinking too much. I need to distract myself or something. I walked out of my room and started looking for the kitchen in this house.

After wandering around the house for a while, I found myself in the living room instead of the kitchen. Darn this gigantic Victorian style house. I accidentally walked in the living room where Matt and the others were having discussion. They all stared at me for a second before I spoke. "Uh, where's the kitchen?"

Matt walked out of the room all so suddenly while the others were confused just like me. Oliver clapped his hands together. "What do you need from the kitchen, poppet?"

"Oh, I was just going to get some water. That's all." I rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment since I might have disrupted a serious conversation. Oliver grabbed my hand. "I'll show you to the kitchen, poppet! I might even give you a tour of the house."

Oliver dragged me to the kitchen. The entire time he was ranting on about the house and even cupcake recipes. When we finally made it to the kitchen, he let me wait for him while he grabbed a glass and a pitcher of water from the fridge. He poured me a glass of water and handed it to me. "So, how are you feeling, poppet?"

I sipped from the glass. "Fine, I guess. I mean, I don't really know what you're asking."

"Well, poppet," Oliver poured a glass of water for himself. "I'm asking if you're feeling fine after all that's happening."

"I'm still confused, I guess." I swirled the glass of water in my hand. "Everything's happening too fast, and I barely understand what's been happening."

Oliver sighed. "Oh, poppet, we're quite a handful, aren't we?" His expression softened. "All I can explain to you is why we're hiding. I really tried avoiding getting into trouble, but I was just in an unavoidable situation. We were recognized because I killed... I just couldn't stop myself."

Oliver's words made me speechless. So that's why they were caught. The guys never really scared me, but I was afraid of what they could do. I don't even know why they trust me, but it just seemed natural for me to trust them.

"Okay, Ollie let's just... We should just sit down for a while." I walked out of the kitchen and made my way to the living room with my heart beating out of my chest. Oliver followed me back to the living room where Allen and Francois were watching T.V. Matt was still away I guess.

Allen threw the remote on my head when we entered the room. I rubbed my head. "What the hell, dude?"

He shrugged. "I just wanted to." I glared at him. "You jerk!"

"Anyways, Oliver, you stay. [name], you get out of here." Francois butted in. I blinked. "What?"

Oliver put his hand on my shoulder. "Just have a walk around the house for now, poppet."

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