≈Chapter XLI :

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~Los Angeles,

•05/13 {Saturday, 4:54 P.M}

~*~ Dorian ~*~

"You don't remember me, right ? " She asked after what felt like thousand years of silence. I was still in shock, wondering if I was going to be a father in a few days. She looked like to be in her last semester and ready to pop the baby out very soon. But if it was mine, why would she do something like that to me ? Why did she not search me ? I had a right to know that I was expecting a baby.

But maybe it wasn't my baby.

She chuckled, "My future husband and I are going to have this baby."

I heavily sighed in relief. I was free and feeling good again, "Thanks God. I wasn't ready for this. Congrats for you and your future husband."

She smiled, "Thanks. How have you been ? "

It was a little strange to talk to her, but she was being nice to me so I had no reason to be rude to her. I was still upset because of what happened with the jeweler and his stupid assistant, but it would be wrong of me to take my anger out on her.

That's what I'd been working on lately, not taking my anger out on people who don't deserve it. It wasn't easy, but I had to do it for myself. I couldn't be walking around with a lot of rage weighting on me anymore, it wasn't good for my well-being. You can say that since I got out of the mental hospital, the only thing I wanted now was to be a better person and so to finally be happy. I'd been through hell those past seven years and now it was time for a change. I was out to chase my happiness.

"I've been great and what about you ? Except the baby, what have you been up to ? "

"Well, I met this man, who is now my baby daddy and soon to be my husband and fall in love. I got pregnant and I've only been busy with the pregnancy actually. I tried to stress the least possible."

"Princess ! Sorry, to be late bu-Oh ! You again, in the same day and you still seem a little mad." The universe decided to fuck with me today, it wasn't liking me at all. Joke or not, it wasn't funny. At this point, the better me was going to leave its place to the old me and it wasn't going to be pretty in here.

"Oh...Do y'all know each other ? " Rita asked and I rolled my eyes.

I was ready to go, "We met before." Mr. Jorry answered with a fake smile. I was two seconds away to slap that smirk off his wrinkled face.

"About thirty minutes ago, to be exact, princess." She could be his daughter. Seriously, this relationship was disgusting me. And they were really going to have a baby together ? This man will have like sixty years apart with his child.

Life is crazy.

But hey, love has any rules. You can fall in love with just anybody, whether you like or not. Love has its reason and the heart knows what it wants. We have absolutely no control over this. Sometimes, it seems like you can only go through the route of love with closed eyes.

"How do you two know each other ? Where did you meet ? " The old man questioned, looking at us as his chest was moving up and down a little faster.

I was about to answer something smart, but fortunately Rita spoke before me. Lucky for her that she was so fast, because I would've ruined her little relationship. I still had to work on my petty side, "We're old friends. Our families uh, that's how we met. I know his mother and he knows mine. I was babysitting him sometimes. Then my family moved and we didn't saw each other since then. He was going to high school last time I've seen him." She sure knew how to lie. What can be a great advantage in certain situations. Like this one.

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