Tuesday August 4th

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comment and vote!! -Blaire

I woke up at 7 and called Kelley. It was 6am for her.

Kelley: Baby Horse!
Me: Squirrel, Happy Birthday!
Kelley: thank you! I miss you. Score for me tonight!
Me: I will do my best. Well I better go bye Squirrel.
Kelley: Bye Baby Horse.

I got my gear and changed into before heading down to breakfast. I sat at the table and joined in with the girls. Coach French came in and announced the starters and that the meeting was at 10 and lunch at 12. After she finished Sabrina and I went back to our room and watched Netflix. When it was 10 we went to Coach French's room.

French: alright ladies we have never played Brazil before. I have some film and before we watch it I already know they are the roughest playing team. They are especially rough on forwards and the attacking mid. That mean Baby Horse and Kelcie I want you to watch their defensive players that are the roughest.

Coach French played the film and we skimmed through and discussed which players played the roughest and the mistake their team made.

Kelcie: the roughest is their attacking mid and right center back, 8 and 17.
Me: on corners they will go up with their hands so watch your face.
Casey: on their punts their defense is pushed up so Baby Horse if you can get up get ready for the ball.
Me: that I can do
French: great. Well it is now 11 so you have and hour till lunch you are dismissed.

We all got up and left. Most of us just went down to the lobby and talked until lunch. Lunch came and we fixed our plates. Once I finished I found a ball and left the hotel. I came back around 2:30 and joined Sabrina on watching PLL until we got on the bus at 4. At the stadium we put on our gear and took the field for warmups. We put on our jersey and walk out jackets and went through the ceremony.

The whistle blew and we started the first half. Both team fought over the ball for the whole half until the 44th minute. Kelcie got the ball and went up the wing. She sent in a cross and I headed it into the goal. We had halftime in the locker room. We came back out and started the second half strong. We won a corner and Kelcie took it. I went up for the header but missed it because number 17 threw her hand in the air and punched me in the nose. I fell to the ground and then slowly stood up. When I did blood poured down onto my jersey. The ref noticed and allowed me to run off to get treated. Dave got a towel and started wiping my face.

Dave: I'm going to spray water to get the blood off.
Me: okay

Dave sprayed the water and got the blood off. He took a rolled up a cotton thing and put it up my nose. Sarah came out and handed me another jersey to change into. I changed and then went back into the game. The game ended in us winning 1-0. My nose hurt so after the player of the match photos and interviews I went to the locker room to shower. I changed into clean clothes and then went the bus. On my way I got a bag of ice from Dave and put it on my face. Back at the hotel I ate dinner and then went to bed.

9j D

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