Wednesday July 29th

963 30 2

***hey guys Comment and Vote! - Blaire***

Sabrina and I woke up at 7. I felt the pain in my wrist and took my medication. We changed into Nike pros and sports bras. Sabrina put on a shirt and I just put on my shorts. We then went down to breakfast.

Casey: awe Baby Horse. What did they say?
Me: it was dislocated and I have a partial tear in my thumb
Kelcie: can you still play!
Me: yes after today I am cleared.
Cady: oh thank the lord
Me: I know
Jess: have you told Hope yet
Me: ha no not yet I am avoiding that for now
Sabrina: Baby Horse that's not smart
Me: I know

We got interrupted by Coach French.

French: good morning ladies. We have recovery this morning and then you have the rest of the day off. You know who has 3 recoveries and who doesn't. You are dismissed.

We finished our breakfast and then signed up for recovery. I asked Sabrina to put my hair in a bun and then we did pool stretches. We did yoga, well as much as I could, and then finally ice baths. We dried off and then went to our rooms to change. We met back up in the lobby and then found a deli to eat at before going shopping. We found a shoe shop that has the cutest sandals and ankle boots.

Me: oh my gosh look at this I am in heaven.
Casey: oh lord Baby Horse too. Cady can already spend hours in here.
Cady: finally somebody who loves shoes

Cady and I walked off and looked at everything. About 2 hours later both Cady and I had picked out 4 pairs of shoes each. We had 2 ankle boots and 2 sandals. Cady had a pair of tan high ankle boots with buckles and a pair of greyish ones with a zipper. My ankle boots were grey with two brown straps and the other was black. Cady and I had picked out the same grey sandals and Cady had black Birkenstocks while I had white. We checked out and then found the other girls outside.

Jess: Well now that you both have 4 new pairs of shoes let's get back to the hotel before were late.
Sabrina: I don't get your obsession of shoes.
Casey: it's just like your obsession of make-up
Kelcie: and my sunglasses
Sabrina: I guess that's true

Back at the hotel I put my bags away and Sabrina and I hosted movie night until dinner came. Coach French had a meeting after dinner about our weight training tomorrow.

French: Alright ladies training will be a weight lifting session in the morning and then on the field in the evening. Baby Horse and Sabrina I need to meet with you please. Everybody else is dismissed.

French: Alright ladies you two have been doing an amazing job but we are now out of the group stage and into the knockout rounds. I need you to keep the team focused and relaxed. Media will be at the training and I need you two to answer questions.
Sabrina: of course.
Me: sure
French: oh Baby Horse have you called Hope?
Me: I will.
French: you better. Well I see you in the morning.

Sabrina and I went back to our room and our group finished the movie. I then called Hope.

Hope: Hey Baby Horse
Me: hey Hopey
Hope: uh uh you only call me Hopey when you're in trouble
Me: well I might have dislocated my thumb in the last match. Plus have a partial tear in my ulnar collateral ligament.
Hope: you what!
Me: it wasn't my fault it was during that foul I took against Nigeria
Hope: I don't even know what to say
Me: I can still play though
Hope: good I'm glad well you better get to bed.
Me: I am goodnight Hope
Hope: good night Baby Horse.

I hung up with Hope and went to bed.


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