Monday July 6th - Friday July 10th

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The next five days went by fast and were pretty much the same. The only different day was Tuesday and we were in the weight room in the morning. When Friday came everybody was sad we would be splitting up the next day. Some people would think that you get tired of each other and yeah sometimes we get annoying but we've all formed a bond that's like family. I got so much closer to Ali, Ash, Tobin, Alex, Kelley, and Hope. Friday night came and we all had movie night in mine and Alex's room.

Alex, Kelley, Tobin and I climbed onto my bed and Hope, Ali, and Ashlyn were on Alex's. We watched the movie Burlesque and when the final song came on Alex, Kelley, Tobin and I stood up and sang along much to Hope and Ali's dismay. Once the movie ended all the girls went back to their rooms and Alex and I went to bed.

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