Sunday July 19th

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Today was our day off before the game so we slept until 7:30. We went down to breakfast after we changed. Our whole group was there when Coach French came in.

French: Morning ladies, you know you have the day off and I hope you enjoy it. I will be announcing the starting 11 tonight after dinner. That is all I have for you, see you tonight.

Casey: So what do we want to do?
Cady: let's go zip lining.
Me: yes!
Sabrina: fine with me
Jess: I'm not good with heights
Kelcie: neither am I, Jess and I can go shopping
Cady: okay well its 8 now, lets meet in the lobby at 8:40.
Me: okay

We all got up and went to our rooms. Sabrina and I changed into tank tops, yoga pants, and tennis shoes. I put my hair up in a ponytail and put my watch on. We went down to the lobby and Casey and Cady we were wearing pretty much the same thing. Before we left we got Dave to take a picture. The cab dropped us off at the zip lining place and we walked in.

Lady: Hello ladies how may I help you?
Cady: hi I'm Cady Roberts I booked the 4 of us to zip line today.
Lady: oh yes. First I need you all to fill out these forms. After I will need to weigh all of you
Cady: okay thank you

We all filled out our forms and then the lady weighed us all. After we were weighed we were lead outside to get the harnesses.

Lady: Robert! Here are the last 4.
Robert: thank you, Hello ladies, I'm Robert and I will be your zip lining guide along with Max and Justin.
Cady: Hey I'm Cady
Sabrina: I'm Sabrina
Casey: I'm Casey
Me: I'm Baby Horse.
Robert: interesting nickname. Well we only have 3 adult harnesses left but Baby Horse your weight and size is small enough for the kids' harnesses.
Casey: Shocker, even though you're tall thanks to your legs everything else is itty bitty.
Me: I know
Robert: Well you 3 can go over here with me and Baby Horse go to Max over there.

The girls followed Robert and I went over to Max. Max fitted the lime green harness on me. The other girls all had black harnesses and we grouped up. Robert gave us our helmets and a pair of gloves. We took a picture and then Justin gave us the run down on where to put our hands and how to keep ourselves from spinning around. We started our walk up the hill and what felt forever we finally to the top.

Me: finally oh my god.
Robert: Yes we are here.

In the whole group there was only us 4 and a family of 4. The kids were 7 and 17 and both were girls.

Robert: so what grades are you girls in?
7 yr. old: I'm going to be in 2nd grade.
17 yr. old: I'm going to be a junior in high school
Casey: I'm going to be a junior in college
Cady: junior in college
Sabrina: junior in college
Me: junior in high school.

As we were talking people went down the zip line. Cady and Casey went before me and then Sabrina went last. When I was coming in Cady took pictures of me. I was unhooked and Cady showed me the pictures.

Cady: maybe there is another reason you got a kids harness
Me: oh my god I really do look like a 5 year old.
Casey: you always do

Sabrina came in and then we had short walk to the next one. While we walked Robert asked some more questions.

Robert: so any of you play sports?
7 yr. old: I play soccer and basketball.
17 yr. old: I play basketball for travel and high school.
Casey: soccer for college and the U-20 national team
Cady: soccer for college and the U-20 national team
Sabrina: soccer for college and the U-20 national team
Me: soccer for high school, the U-20 national team, Seattle Reign and also I cheer for my high school.
17 yr. old: How do you have time for school work?
Me: between practice, plane rides, and days off
Max: Wow we have an over achiever
Cady: tell me about it.

We got to the platform and we went down the line. The line passed by the waterfall and through the trees. On the platform we didn't have time to talk. The final line ended on the ground. We were led back to the hut to take off our gear. The tour also came with lunch so we went to their café for with the family. We sat at the same table and talked.

Mother: So I'm Rachel this is Mark, our oldest Sarah and our little one is Riley. So you are all teammates do you have a game here?
Sabrina: I'm Sabrina Flores and yes we are starting the U-20 Women's World cup tomorrow
Mark: So the three of you are in college, why are you the only one in high school.
Me: I'm Savannah Solo aka Baby Horse. Uh well they are training me to be on the senior national team when I turn 18.
Casey: Yeah Baby Horse is our superstar striker
Sarah: wait Solo as in Hope Solo?
Me: yes but she's not my real mom. It's complicated but she is like a mom to me
Riley: Have you meet Kelley O'Hara and Alex Morgan?
Me: yes I have. Kelley is like my sister and Alex as everybody says we should be twins.
Rachel: that is so cool. Riley is a big fan of those two.
Me: well if you are still in Brazil for a little while we have games. It's not the national team but.
Mark: we would love to what time is your game tomorrow
Cady: we are playing England at 7.
Sarah: can we go?
Rachel: we'll see
Sabrina: well it was nice to meet you all but we have to go our coach wants everybody back for a meeting.
Sarah: hey wait before you go can we take a picture and could I post it?
Me: yeah totally

We grouped up and their parents took the pictures. The 4 of us then got a cab and went back to the hotel. We had some time so we went back to our rooms. My notifications on twitter then went off.

@CadyRoberts2: When you're small enough to wear a kids harness. #5yearold #inanadultbody @SavannahSolo18 *image attached*
@ussoccer_ynt: She really does fit the name BABY Horse.

Cady posted the pic she took of me coming to the platform. Instead of replying I made my own post.

Me: When you go zip lining and get called a 5 year old. #missmyother5yrold @Kohara19 *2 images*
Kelley: Awe you went zip lining w/o me #Imissyoutoo @SavannahSolo18
Hope: It's only been a week but #Imissmybabies #5yearolds

I didn't reply because I feel asleep. Sabrina woke me up and we went to dinner. Our group ate and talked about our day. Coach French came in and then started the meeting.

French: Alright ladies to start I'm going to announce our starting lineup. Casey in goal, back four is Sabrina, Cady, Jessica, and Savannah. Holding mids are Taylor and Ashley with attacking mid Kelcie. Wingers are Emily and Marley. Up top is Baby Horse. Starting 11 will meet in my room at 2.

Breakfast will be at 8 and lunch is at 12. Bus will leave at 4:30. I want you to be focused tomorrow so we can come out strong. The first game will set the pace for the whole tournament so let's start on a good foot. Lights out at 11 please. Captains I need to see you tonight everybody else is free to go.

Sabrina and I got up and went with Coach French to her room.

French: alright for tomorrow I need one of you to do the coin toss and one to do and interview for ESPN, you two can choose.
Me: I can do the coin toss
Sabrina: that's fine with me
French: okay good. You are still fine with the tracker band right?
Me: yes
French: okay then before the game Dave has to get it set up so make sure you meet with him.
Me: I will.
French: Well you both are free to so then. See you in the morning and goodnight.
Sabrina: goodnight.
Me: Night


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