Saturday August 1st - Monaday August 3rd

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hey guys i am post the next chapter as well.Comment and Vote! -Blaire**

Our alarms went off at 8 and we got up and got dressed for recovery. We headed down to breakfast and listened to Coach French before going to recovery.

French: great game last night ladies. I am extremely proud of how well you played. Congrats to the 5 of you who scored. We have recovery this morning and a light field session in the evening.

After Coach French left we went through our recovery sessions of pool stretches, yoga, and then ice baths. We finished right before lunch. We ate and then went to training. Training lasted for about an hour and a half and then we had dinner. Before we were dismissed Coach French told us we would have two trainings a day for the next two days. We were dismissed and then my room had movie night again and then we all went to bed. 

Sunday and Monday

    Sundayand Monday were the same. We all woke up at 7 and went down for breakfastbefore changing and loading up the bus. We came back for lunch and then go backout. At dinner we talked about what we would do the next morning before thegame. Once Coach French finished talking we went to bed. 

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