Sunday May 24th

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***Kiley's house ^. At the end of this i know it seems like it was just cut off but i ment to do that. i am update the next part as you read so don't worry. I hope you like it. comment and vote please!! - Blaire***

I was woken up at 8 by my phone ringing.

Me: Hello?
Kiley: SOLO get up and get ready I am picking you up in 30 and we are going to Altitude (a trampoline park)
Me: okay then

I hung up with Kiley and went to my closet. I put on my Nike pros and some red shorts along with my light turquoise cheer shirt. I put on my Nike socks and tennis shoes. I went to the bathroom next. I put my hair up and brushed my teeth. I put my make up on and it was 8:20. I grabbed my phone went to the living room.

Mom: I'm about to go to work where are you headed to?
Me: It's Kiley's birthday. She's about to pick me up and we are going to Altitude.
Mom: okay well make sure you pack well for your trip
Me: I will

I got a text from Kiley and headed to the car. Kiley's mom was driving her Yukon XL and Kiley was in the passenger seat I climbed in and took the last seat left. In total there was 8 counting Kiley's mom. In the front was Kiley and her mom. Second row was Kami, Vici, and me. In the last row was Molly, Claire, and Caroline.

Me: Happy Birthday Kiley!
Kiley: Thank you, so first we're going to Altitude, then lunch and then finally we are going to my house for movies and dinner
Me: Okay then

We made the drive to Altitude and then we all climbed out. We looked like a clown car and got a lot of weird looks. We ran in and got our wristbands. We took off our shoes and set them by Kiley's mom.

Kiley: Solo do you have Nike pros underneath?
Me: Like always
Kiley: Then take off your shorts lets go I don't want to be the only one
Me: fine

We took off our shorts then ran and caught up with the girls. We played dodgeball and tumbled into the foam pit. Kiley and I did our tumbling pass down the long trampoline so we could post it. After hours of jumping around it was noon and we were exhausted and sweaty. We went to eat lunch at the Blue Dog Café. We all got our orders and got a big booth table.

Vici: Solo what are you doing this summer? I overheard Garvin and Nathan talking about how you weren't going to there much?
Me: Well I leave tomorrow morning for California, then cheer camp. After that I am going back to California for week camp before going to the Algarve Cup in Germany. Then I'm home for 3 days before heading to California again for the Senior national team camp. After that is Brazil for the U-20 Women's World Cup.
Kami: Holy crap
Caroline: how many days will you actually be home this summer?
Me: 11 counting today
Molly: I wish. What's the longest trip
Me: Well combining the senior national team camp and Brazil is 42 days.
Claire: Oh my god that's a long time.
Me: I know but enough about me. What are you guys doing
Kiley: I get to go to cheer camps at UFC and LSU they personally invited me.
Molly: Me and Claire are going to New York for a week
Vici: Me, Kami, and Caroline are going to Costa Rica with biology club
Me: see you guys are doing stuff too
Kiley: Is everyone finished eating? Then lets head to my house

We all got up and piled back into the car and went to Kiley's house. We stopped at my house so I could get my jeep since I wasn't staying the night. Since Kiley's dad was an architect (the one who did my room) he did the plans for their house which was huge. We went to their theater room and picked a movie. We finished the movie around 8 and then the pizza was delivered. We ate and talked about school and our boyfriends. We watched another movie that ended at 11:30. We went up to living room and customized pillow cases. They had pictures of all us in a collage. In the middle was our group picture from today. We signed all of our names on the picture side of the cases. On the other side we put our individual names. I put Solo instead of Savannah since that's what everyone called me. Once we finished it was around 3 in the morning. I said goodbye to the girls and went home. Once I got home I started to pack.

I laid out three bikinis first. I then laid out sports bras and underwear. I laid out outfits for dinners out and going around town. I picked out my shoes and then I was done. I put everything in my suitcase and then I moved on to my backpack. I put in my laptop, headphones, chargers, my id, and my plane tickets.

When I finished it was 5:30 so I showered and then put on my loose white tank, flannel around my waist, black leggings, and my white converse. It was now 6 so I made breakfast knowing I shouldn't even try to go to sleep for an hour or I was going to be cranky. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 2Where stories live. Discover now