Sunday July 5th

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**Comment and Vote! - Blaire**

Alex and I got up at 6 and went to get our training clothes. We had the red tanks and navy shorts. We went back to our rooms and changed before heading to breakfast. We fixed our plates and sat at the empty table. Kelley and Ali came and then shortly after Hope and Carli came. Kelley and Hope sat on either side of me but I didn't notice because I was texting Brad. Hope hit me upside the head to get my attention.

Me: Ow what the hell!
Hope: Language and who are texting it's 6:30 in the morning.
Me: Brad and like you can say something about language
Ali: That's true
Hope: Whatever and why is he up at like what 5:30 there?
Me: yes 5 and he had football this morning.
Ash: Dang look at Baby Horse go
Me: Oh whatever he had to go anyways
Alex: let's head to the bus before we're late.

We all got up and got on the bus and we had a 40 minute ride. I sat next to Alex and we both put our headphones on.

Alex: hey Hope will you take a picture of us?
Hope: Here you go.
Me: Why
Alex: because now we have it to post
Me: ooh that's perfect.
Alex: lets both post this now so we don't forget.
Me: Okay

Alex:  Twinning with my twin #iphone6 #BeatsSolo
Me:  Matching with my twin #iphone6 #BeatsSolo

I put my music back on and texted Kiley.

Me: I know it's like almost 6:30 but are you up?
Kiley: yeah we have cheer practice for the freshies today.
Me: Oh well Nike has given me an offer to model their new cheer shoes and they said they wanted to include some of the girls on the team. What do you think if we did both our stunt groups?
Kiley: Yes! I can tell them if you want.
Me: Will you?
Kiley: of course but one person in my group changed.
Me: Well mine is Vici-back spot, Camille- main and Alexis-2nd.
Kiley: Mine is Molly-main, Claire- 2nd, and Ashlyn-back spot.
Me: That's perfect. Well let me know and I will text you back when I can
Kiley: Okay bye girl
Me: bye ttyl

I the bus then stopped and we all got off. We put on our cleats and then did warm ups. After warmups we went into movement drills. We worked on the midfield and defensive shape under attack. After many drills and 3 hours later we headed back to the hotel for lunch.  I checked my phone and 2 texts from Kiley and 2 texts from Brad.

Kiley: Hey I talked to the girls and both of our groups can do it.
Kiley: Also Garvin wants you to call her sometime soon.
Me: okay tell her I will call her at like 7:30
Kiley: she said that's fine but gtg I will txt you later.
Me: bye girl.

Brad: So I've looked at Stanford, UCLA, UNC, and UT
Brad: Also Texas A&M, Baylor, and UW
Me: I like Stanford, UNC, UCLA, UT, and UW.
Brad: Well take UW off that list and I think I will have a full ride to any of these.
Me: Well honestly and I know this is going to sound egotistical but I can go to any of these places for soccer but I am also thinking about cheer.
Brad: Well you could go anywhere with that too.
Me: yeah I know but we'll talk about this more in person.
Brad: okay
Me: Well let me know if you add anymore
Brad: I will
Me: Alright well I'm going to eat. Bye love you babe
Brad: bye love you baby

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