Thursday July 2nd

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***Mine and Alex's outfits for dinner^ Comment and vote please!!! - Blaire***

      I woke up at 6 and realized it was Alex's birthday. I knew she and Hope would already be in California when I got there so I had an idea and texted Hope.

Me: hey I should be getting to the hotel by 1. Can you make sure Alex is in the lobby and film us when I come in?
Hope: Yeah sure. Why?
Me: its going to be part of her birthday video I'm making while I'm on the plane
Hope: Awe that's going to be cute. I'll make sure it happens
Me: thank you Hope I gtg get ready see you later
Hope: bye Baby Horse see ya.

I got up and got dressed in my leggings, white converse, white tank top, and my red flannel. I put on my watch, grabbed my phone, and then grabbed my bags. I put my bags in the car and then sat down for breakfast. Once we finished eating, my mom, my sister and I got in the car to go to the airport. We arrived at the airport and we all got out. Before I checked my bags in my sister wanted to take a picture of me to post. I stood behind my suitcases and smiled. My sister took the picture and posted it.

Chloe: Good luck and have fun in California and where ever else you are. I will be watching every game! Proud of you. Love you lots. @SavannahSolo18 #byebabysis

I liked her post and then hugged. I said goodbye and checked my bags in before going through security. I got coffee on my way to the gate. I sat down at the gate and drank my coffee. 20 minutes later my boarding call came and I got my seat on the plane. The plane took off and I took out my laptop to start on Alex's video. I put pictures to music and made it a minute long. I left 15 seconds at the end to put the video Hope will be filming later. I saved the work to my computer and put it back in my bag. The plane landed and I texted Hope that I would be at the hotel in about an hour.

I tied my flannel around my waist and put my backpack on. I walked to baggage claim and got my suitcases. I found the guy holding the sign with my name and got in the car. We got in the car and headed to the hotel. In the parking lot I texted Hope I was there. As soon as I walked in I saw Alex and I out my bags down. I then yelled Alex's name and ran and jumped on her. Alex caught me and spun me around.

Me: Happy Birthday twin!
Alex: thank you Baby Horse

Alex set me down and helped me with my bags. Alex was actually my roommate and we put my bags in our room. I got the video from Hope and took out my laptop. I added the video and then posted it on twitter.

Me: Happy Birthday Al! I wouldn't want to be twin with anybody else. Hope you like your video. @AlexMorgan13 #notfeeling22anymore

I then shut down my laptop and went back to the lobby to join the team. Alex had seen the video along with some of the other girls. They all love it and thought it was cute. I thanked them and then we talked about our break we had. I was listening to Lauren Holiday when I heard Kelley's voice.

Kelley: Baby Horse!
Me: Squirrel!

We ran to each other and Kelley jumped too forcefully and we both fell. We were laying in the middle of the lobby floor hugging and laughing. Hope came over and stood above us with a scolding look.

Hope: You two have been here less than a minute and you are already acting like 5 year olds. Get up off the ground please.

Kelley and I got up and I helped her with her bags. Kelley was rooming with Ali. We put her bags in her room and then rejoined the team. We moved from the lobby to the dining hall. Once a couple more people arrived Coach Jill came in and addressed us.

Jill: Welcome girls. In honor of Alex's birthday and also the hotel didn't have time to cook we are going out for a team dinner. It is 3 now and we will be getting on the bus at 6. Don't be late. After dinner we will be having a team meeting to discuss our schedule for the week. That is all for now.

Coach Jill left and everybody went back to talking. At 4 Alex and I went to our room to start getting ready. Alex put on her white blouse and leopard print shorts. I had on pink blouse and white shorts. We both put on tan sandals and straightened our hair. Alex did our make-up and then we were ready to go. We grabbed our wallets and then knocked on Kelley and Ali's door. They came out and the 4 of us walked down to the lobby. A couple girls were already waiting including Hope.

Hope: Damn my 5 year olds and now 23 year old clean up nice
Kelley and I: Hey!
Alex: thank you Hope
Hope: oh come here Baby Horse and Squirrel you know I love you both.

Hope hugged us both. The rest of the team came out and we all got on the bus. The bus dropped us at the door and Jill led us to the table and we all sat down. I sat between Alex and Kelley. Hope, Ali, Ashlyn and Tobin were across from us. We ordered our dinner and then talked. We got our food and Alex and I both got the steak and shrimp. The waiters set down our plates and our faces lit up.

Ali: you two are literally like the same person like how?

We all laughed and started eating. We finished our dinner and the waiters took our plates. Alex, Kelley and I were looking at something when a waiter put a giant cake in front of Alex. All three of our eyes went wide. Everybody was taking pictures and videos. The waiter lit the candles while we sang Happy Birthday. We finished the song and Alex blew out the candles. The waiter took the cake back and cut pieces for everybody. After we all had our cake we went back to the hotel. We went to the dinning hotel and sat down to listen to Coach Jill and Dawn.

Jill: Alright ladies this is the rundown of the week. Tomorrow will we ease into training before and after lunch. Saturday is test day. Before lunch we will be inside then after we will be outside. Sunday and Monday will be 3 a day. Tuesday will be weight room. Wednesday - Thursday is back to 3 a day. Breakfast is at 7 bus leaves at 8. Lunch is 12:30 and bus leaves at 2. Dinner is at 7 bus leaves at 9. This is the schedule every day. I am finished but Dawn has some things for you.

Dawn: Alright ladies. We have a new product that will help us track your fitness. There is a strap that goes right underneath your sports bra. I has a device on the front of it that will track your heart rate and speed and steps. They will be with your training gear in the morning. They are custom fit so make sure you grab the right one unless of course you are like Baby Horse and Alex and are the same size in everything. (the whole team laughed and made jokes) okay everything else is the same as always. It's good to see you all again ladies. See you in the morning.

Most of the girls went up to their rooms. Hope, Kelley, Alex, Ali, Ashlyn, Sydney, Pinoe and I decided to have a dance off. Syd put on her playlist and we all got up and started dancing. I was dancing with Kelley and we went up against Ali and Ashlyn. Alex and Hope went up against Syd and Pinoe. We finished our dance off at 10 and went to our rooms. Alex and I showered and then went to bed.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 2Where stories live. Discover now