Saturday July 4th

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**Comment and Vote!!! - Blaire**

Alex and I were up at 6:30 and went to get out training clothes. We changed into them before going to breakfast. We sat down with Hope, Kelley, Ali and Ashlyn.

Ashlyn: I'm glad I don't have running first.
Me: I'm glad I get to do and get it out of the way
Alex: Me too it delays stretching tests
Hope: I think everybody hates the stretching just as much as the running. At least I do
Me: I love stretching tests
Ali: that's because you are a rubber band
Kelley: I wish I had that flexibility
Hope: We all do
Dawn: Alright girls let's get started.

We got up and went to the gym. As a team we warmed up and stretched. We split into groups and the offense went to treadmills. Dawn made Alex and I go first. We started and finished at the same time. Dawn checked the results and turned to us.

Dawn: I don't know how you two are like literally the same person. You two got the same results. I swear you are clones.
Alex: yeah well in the copy they gave her a rapier voice, skinner legs, and literally all of the flexibility.
Dawn: you two go get your recovery shakes and do a cool down.

We got our shakes from the fridge and went back to the weight room. Hope and Ashlyn were already sitting and stretching. Alex and I joined them and talked about our results.

Ashlyn: I got a little bit better since last time
Hope: surprisingly me
Alex: Well we got the same results
Ashlyn: Shocker the twins got the same score
Kelley: I don't know how you two even got the scores you did that just killed me
Me: Maybe you and Hope should join us next time
Hope: What so you two can leave us
Alex: maybe

We all laughed and then finished our stretches. When the rest of the groups finished and cooled down we switched. Offense went to the training room.

Jill: Alright who wants to go first?
Alex: Baby Horse does
Me: What Alex
Jill: okay Baby Horse you're up
Me: I'll get you back
Jill: Come on Baby Horse
Me: I'm coming
Jill: Dawn modified the tests so she could measure you now.
Me: Okay

I went through all the tests. I pulled both of my bow and arrows and my scorpion needles. Once I finished coach Jill just laughed and we walked back to the group.

Jill: Well Baby Horse just beat every record by a mile
Alex: that's because she is a rubber band
Me: mm I think my twin wants to go next
Jill: I think you're right. Come on Alex.
Alex: What really
Me: Better go Al
Alex: this means war.

Since I was done with testing for the morning I went and sat back in the weight room to wait for everybody to finish. About an hour later everybody was done and so far I had managed to avoid Alex. After lunch Hope and I got up to clear our plates. I put my plate in the box and turned around bumping into Alex.

Me: Shit.
Hope: Language Baby Horse.
Alex: You've been avoiding me.
Me: uh
Hope: why
Alex: Because she made me go second
Me: You made me go first
Hope: I'm not in this have fun
Me: What Hope
Alex: I would run if I were you.

I took off and Alex chased me. I ran around the tables and then stopped on one side and Alex was on the other. I moved on way and Alex followed. I took off again but Pinoe stuck out her foot and made me stumble. Alex took the opportunity and tackled me. Alex pinned me down to the ground, sat on me and then stared me down.

Alex: All you have to do is apologize
Me: Not gonna happen
Alex: Hope you're comfy because I am
Me: Squirrel help
Kelley: nope I can't out run her like you can.
Me: Fine I'm sorry I mad you go second
Alex: thank you now let's go get our stuff and get ready for training
Me: Okay

How I became Savannah Solo Part 2Where stories live. Discover now