Saturday June 27th

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Sabrina and I woke up at 8 and headed down to breakfast. Jess, Kelcie, Cady, Casey, Sabrina and I were at our table like normal. We were in a playful mood this morning. Casey had just said a joke and we were all laughing hysterically. We were interrupted by Coach French.

French: Sorry to interrupt you 6 misfits. We are going to have our meeting early but first I have to tell the whole team about the game.
French: Alright girls listen up. Our game against Germany had been moved to a different field. The bus ride is going to be a little over an hour. I want you to wear your travel suit and bring anything else you need. The staff will bring your gear so don't worry about getting those today. That is all thanks.

When Coach French stopped talking we followed her to her to her room for the meeting. We sat down and began the film.

Sabrina: Their offense tries to go down the sidelines and either cross it there or get corners. Shut them down on and make them think they have the middle when they don't.
Me: Their defense is solid on the sides but not so much as the middle. When the winger has the ball, pass it along the line or inside the defender for me to run onto. Once we beat that defender we have a straight cross or shot on goal so be ready, other than that listen for me to tell you where to go.
Kelcie: Even though they are strong in the middle for offense their midfield is not so we can use that area to switch the field.
French: Good job girls that is all the film I have. Don't forget that Germany is a rough team. Be careful going in for tackles please. You are free to go meet in the lobby at 1:30.

The 11 of us got up and left. Sabrina and I went to our room to pack our bags. I put my headphones and iPad and my book just in case I got bored. Sabrina did the same and then we grabbed our bags. I put my brace in my bag before we headed down for lunch. We sat down and ate. We finished and then walked in the lobby. Sabrina and I got on the bus first so we got the back rows of seats. I have 4 seats and Sabrina had 3. The rest of the team had 2 or 3 to themselves. I put on my headphones and started my playlist. I pulled out my Wi-Fi and I checked all of my social media. When I got to twitter I had multiple notifications. I saw the first one from Hope.

Hope: Can't wait to watch Baby Horse play against Germany in the Algarve Cup final. #USAvsGER
#U-20WNT @SavannahSolo18
Me: Well thank you Hope. @hopesolo

The next notifications were from Ali, Kelley and Alex.

Ali: Good luck Baby Horse! @Ashlyn_Harris and I are watching. #USAvsGER #U-20 @SavannahSolo18

Kelley: Good luck Baby Horse! I miss you. I'll be watching. #USAvsGER #U-20 @SavannahSolo18

Alex: Score some goals tonight Baby Horse. Your twin is watching! #USAvsGER #U-20 @SavannahSolo18

Me: Thank you! I'll play my hardest just like always! #USAvsGER @hopesolo @AliKrieger @Ashlyn_Harris @AlexMorgan13 @Kohara19

I out my iPad away and leaned against the window. For the rest of the trip I just looked out the window and listened to music. The bus pulled up and we got off. We went to the locker room and changed. Since we got there early we had about 30 minutes of free time before warmups. Instead of climbing in my locker I asked Coach French if I could walk on the field. She said I could so I headed out. It was cold and windy and it also looked like it was going to rain. The turf on the field was looser and came up easier. I went back to the locker room when it started to sprinkle.

I put away my headphones and phone in my bag. I lined up and we went out for warmups. We did our stretches and then a couple passing drills to get a feel for the turf. We went back to the locker room and put on our thermals and jerseys on. After the walk out ceremony we took off our jackets and Sabrina and I got our armbands.

Our team took the field and had kick off. I sent the ball back to Kelcie and we moved up the field. Germany's defense got it and cleared the ball. Possession went back and forth for the whole half. When the ref blew the whistle we hustled off and into the locker room. We sat down and Coach French talked.

French: We have done well keeping the ball out of our defending third. I think if we calm down a little bit we will be able to get past their defense.
Me: If we can just get the through ball at the top of the box for me to run onto and get shots off.
Kelcie: We can do this guys we just need to connect
French: Alright girls lets head back out there.

We headed back onto the field and Germany had kickoff. 30 minutes after fighting back and forth Kelcie got the ball and dribbled up the side. When the outside back stepped to she passed it to the box past the whole defensive line. I ran at the same time the goalie came out. I got to it first and passed the ball past the goalies hand. The goalie slid to stop it but missed. The goalie couldn't stop sliding and I couldn't stop running. The goalie clipped my ankles and I fell and slid on my stomach. My jersey had come up and I felt my thermal rip on the turf. I stayed on the ground and my teammates jumped on top of me. Even though I was in pain I lifted my head and smiled.

Me: Okay guys I think I'm bleeding
Kelcie: What are you okay?
Me: I'm not sure help me up
Jess: Yeah you are bleeding it coming through your shirt
Me: I'll be back just keep them from scoring
Sabrina: We will.

When I stood up I had a turf burn on my left hipbone and on my right ribcage. I ran over to the bench and showed Sarah.

Me: Don't sub me out. I just need wrapped and the blood off my jersey
French: Hand me your jersey I'll get the blood out
Sarah: Rachel come help me wrap.

I took off my ripped my thermal and was in a sports bra. Sarah knelt down and was wrapping my lower back and round my hipbone. Sarah was standing above her wrapping around my ribcage. They finished wrapping and Coach French came back with a wet jersey.

French: It's going to be freezing. Are you sure?
Me: Yes uh just give me some gloves
French: Here
Me: WOW, okay this is cold but were good. Thank you

I ran back onto the field and joined my team. We had a corner kick and I told the girls their runs. Kelcie sent the ball in and it came to the back post. I made my run and jumped to head it in the net making it
2-0. When I came down the defender ran under me and knocked me into the post. I hit the post and fell. The ref saw it and it and gave the girl a yellow card. Jess helped me up and we lined back up for kick off. The ref blew the whistle shortly after and we won 2-0. The whole team ran to me and hugged me.

The award ceremony after the game was short. Our whole team got gold medals and the team got a trophy. By the time I got to the locker room I was shivering and in pain. Coach French saw me and called me into the visiting training room. I took off my shirt and Sarah saw the bruise forming on my side and started getting ice.

Sarah: Is that from the post?
Me: uh yeah. After you put ice on it can you take off my cleats?
Sarah: I need to clean your burns. Rachel will you come here and help Solo.

Rachel came in and took off my cleats and socks. She also brought in everything from my locker. I put everything in the mesh bag with my uniform. Sarah finished cleaning my burns and then wrapped ice to my side. She helped me into my jacket and my sweatpants. I grabbed my bag and went to my seats on the bus. 10 minutes after the ice had started to melt. I took it off and threw it in the trash can.

Instead of sleeping the team decided to play headphone idol. We would put on our headphones, choose a song and then turn it up until you can't hear anything else. Some of us were better than others. When it was my turn I choose Wreaking ball. I stood up and began to sing. Everybody was filming and laughing. My song finished and I sat back down. We didn't have time for another song because the bus pulled into the hotel. It was already 11:30 when we got there. We dropped of our gear bags and headed to our rooms. Coach French stopped me

French: I know you need to eat so here is a Pb&j and chips
Me: thank you

I took the food and then went to my room. Sabrina and I showered and then went to bed.


How I became Savannah Solo Part 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن