Saturday June 6th & Sunday June 7th

1.2K 33 1

***cheer camp day 1 and 2. if you have any tips let me know. comment and vote! Enjoy! - Blaire***

I woke up at 5:30 and put on my sports bra, Nike shorts, and my running shoes. I grabbed my watch and left my phone to charge. I did my stretches and then started my run. Since I knew I would be active today I only ran 2 miles. I got back at 6:10 and Garvin was up.

Garvin: hey how was your run?
Me: good but short. It's so pretty to run here.
Garvin: it is pretty. Well you better get dressed we leave in 30.
Me: I am

I changed into my practice clothes and put on my cheer shoes. I put up my hair and put my bow in. I took of my watch and grabbed my phone. I lead the girls to breakfast and we ate. We headed down to the field and waited for instructions. Our group went to stunting first. A group of counselors would show us a stunt and then we would do it. They did a simple heel stretch full down to start with. My stunt group had been the same since freshman year. After I went a couple times I went and helped the younger girls. Sometimes I would help the flyers and other times I would help the bases. 20 minutes later we got a new stunt to try. This time we were doing a full up. My group got it and then Nathan come over to me.

Nate: Solo, will you come be a flyer for this group
Me: which one
Nate: The group of freshman
Me: sure

Nathan and I walked to the group. We explained the stunt to them again and then we got ready. It took a couple times but we finally got it. After we got it I went back to my group to try the handstand flip to extension. My group got the stunt after a couple times and then I went back over to the group of freshman. We tried the stunt a couple times. On the third try one of the freshmen grabbed wrong and I fell and freshman didn't catch me. Luckily Nate caught my shirt right before I hit the ground. My shirt ripped in two and then Nate set me on the ground and laughed.

Nate: Well we are done with this stunt and so is your shirt, sorry Solo.
Me: I'd rather have no shirt than to have hit the ground thanks Nate
Sarah: I'm really sorry. I grabbed wrong and then I couldn't catch you
Me: it's fine we are here to learn. Just try to catch a little better.
Lexa: We will
Me: I'm going to get water

I grabbed my ripped shirt and went to the table of water. I got some water and then walked back to my group. Garvin was by my group talking with Megan.

Garvin: Solo where is your shirt?
Me: well while I was working with the freshman they dropped me and Nate caught me but by my shirt and it ripped.
Garvin: okay then well get with your group so we can film the stunts for practices.

My group and I did the stunts while Garvin filmed them. After the stunting for two hours we went to learn the rest of the dance. When we finished the dance it was time for lunch. On the way to lunch I sent the video of my stunts to Hope and the girls.

Me: *video* as promised here is some of our stunts from today.
Kelley: these are amazing Baby Horse
Hope: these are great but what happened to your shirt?
Alex: yeah you are the only one without one.
Me: It got ripped in one of the stunts I was doing with the freshman
Ali: how did that happen?
Me: the group dropped me but our coach Nathan caught me by my shirt and it ripped.
Kelley: Man too bad you didn't film it
Alex: yeah that would have been funny.
Me: well while you four talk about me I am going to lunch.

I put my phone in my bag and then got my food. I sat next to Kiley and Claire and we talked about the stunts since we were all flyers. We talked until we got back on the field. When we got back to the field it was time for the camp competitions. The first game was who could do the most standing tucks. Two seniors went but we got 2nd place. The next game was who could hold a heel stretch the longest. Kiley and I played and we both won tied for first for our team. We played a couple more games and we got 1st and 2nd. We finished the games for the day and then went to planning for our team performance.

We split into pyramids. My group was in the middle and Kiley and Claire were on the outside of me. Being in the middle meant I had to do the back flip up and then front flip down before I came up to a heel stretch extension. We had to do the stunt until we go it, once we did we were free to go to dinner. My dinner was cut short because I had to go meet with Nate and Megan.

Megan: okay we have the pyramids set for after the dance. What do we want to do before
Nate: We can have Solo and Kiley do their tumbling pass and then get into pyramid formation
Me: are we adding jumps to the dance
Megan: Yes before we move to pyramids I wanted to add a toe touch back handspring
Nate: okay we can put Solo and Kiley in the middle. Right before they do the jumps they step up and do their tumbling pass as they do their jump back hand spring and begin to move to pyramids.
Megan: okay we can work on that when they get back after the jump contest
Me: well here they come

The girls came back from dinner and Kiley, Anna, Jacklyn, and I were picked for the jump contest. We lined up and went through each round. Kiley and I were the last two from our team. Kiley and I tied for first and we both got a sash and a medal. We took pictures with the staff and then went back to our team for the dance. We did the dance and the girls marked their jumps. Kiley and I marked our tumbling for a round-off, back handspring, full and then got into our formation. We did the pyramids and then finished. We got water and then grabbed our bags. We walked back to the dorms and showered. I put in Kiley's, Claire's and I's pizza order. Garvin then came in and grabbed her purse.

Garvin: put on a shirt and some shoes you're coming with me
Me: uuh okay

I put on my shirt and shoes and grabbed my phone before following Garvin to Nate's truck. I got in the back and then texted in the group message that Kelly renamed the Chromies.

Me: your co-winner of the Ole Miss annual jump contest. *picture*
Ali: you know I get why you get so mad when you lose because it doesn't happen very often does it?
Kelley: Alex is the same way
Alex: Are not
Hope: Why do you think I never participate in your games?
Kelley: No you don't play because you know you won't win.
Me: Yeah Hope. Well I have to go bye guys

Nate pulled up to the pizza place and the 3 of us got out. Garvin payed for the pizza while Nate and I carried them to the car. Nate drove us back to the dorms and we brought the pizza to the lounge. Garvin texted the girls and we got our pizza to bring to our rooms. I went with Kiley and Claire to their room. We ate our pizza and watched Netflix on my iPad. At 10 I had to leave and help with room checks. Once I finished I went to my room and went to bed.


I woke up at the same time as Garvin. I got ready and then led everybody to breakfast. We had the same schedule as yesterday. We did stunts then dancing and then went to lunch. After lunch we had competitions and then team practice. After dinner we did team bonding and then went back to the dorms. Garvin, Nate and I got the pizzas and brought them back. I hung out with Kiley and Claire before we had to go to bed.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora